Jesus Christ, is someone starting to panic about the possibility of moderator? 

 Oh, and Barry, thank you for proving what Mark Twain said about statistics.

 Barry, only those who feel their gig would be exposed would respond as you are 
doing here.

 Maybe, you're gonna have to put on your big boy pants for a change. 

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Hi Rick, 

I am pleased to hear that you're going to look into the "moderation issue" and 
try to determine exactly who is disrupting Fairfield Life and creating a 
negative experience for posters who have chosen to remain there and post, as 
opposed to moving over to The_Peak. To help you decide where exactly the 
problem lies, and who you might need to "moderate," here are some interesting 
statistics for you to ponder:

-- Number of posts made in June to The_Peak by FFL members that were designed 
and intended to complain about The_Peak and disrupt that group's ongoing 
conversations:  0 (zero)

-- Number of posts made in June to FFL by The_Peak members that were designed 
and intended to complain about FFL and disrupt that group's ongoing 
conversations:  131

-- Number of posts made in June to FFL by Judy Stein (technically not a member 
of The_Peak) that were designed and intended to complain about FFL and disrupt 
that group's ongoing conversations:  18
Seems to me that there is a concerted effort by members of another group 
(The_Leak) and one of their sympathizers (Judy Stein) to disrupt Fairfield 
Life. Meanwhile, there is NO corresponding attempt by anyone at FFL to go over 
to The_Peak and disrupt *their* conversations. 

I think these statistics speak for themselves as to who needs "moderation," but 
you decide...


---In, <rick@...> wrote :
 From: [] 


 I believe when you say Rick is enabling a certain behaviour, you are really 
saying he is not preventing behaviour you would rather not see. He is not 
enabling, its laissez-faire, a policy or attitude of letting things take their 
own course, without interfering. When you use the word enabling, you are 
assuming Rick wants to have that kind of behaviour to which you have so far 
objected. But now that you see he is just letting things take their natural 
course, that should not be a problem any more. 

 I do not think Rick has an intentional stance to enable, is just letting go, 
as when one lets go of a mantra and it goes and changes however it goes. The 
individual posters enable whatever happens because they are the one producing 
the content. But content here comes from thought, and thought is spontaneous, 
it comes effortlessly and naturally, so really, nature itself is what enables 
what happens here, and everywhere else for that matter. I believe you are 
attributing intentionality incorrectly. When I say 'believe', that means it's 
an opinion, not necessarily true, though it could be.
 That’s a fair assessment. I give little attention to FFL because I’m so busy 
with other things. But I’ve gotten so many complaints recently that I may 
appoint a moderator soon, and will announce it when I do. I don’t believe in 
censorship, but I also don’t believe in enabling abusive behavior.
<reverse_archery@... mailto:reverse_archery@...> wrote :
 Sort of. It took me awhile to recognize that this place has been allowed to 
deteriorate one post at a time,  deliberately. Once I saw that, that this is 
Rick's intention and legacy, I was OK with it. 

 For the longest time, I simply thought he wasn't doing his job as moderator, 
when in fact he is precisely enabling the behavior he wants to see on here, and 
always has been. 

 I have no issues with that at all - like I said, it just took me awhile to see 
<noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :
 The funny thing is the more they go on about FFL and the need for moderating 
the more Rick is likely to keep it up the way it is.  After what FFL has always 
been is a place for people who have on thing in common, that they were involved 
in TM, to share their outlook on everything, not just TM or spirituality.  I've 
always said it's like the "off topic" sections many forums have.


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