---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 This is the way it is with spiritual experiences; they come, they go, 

 yes, that is the way it happens

 at the time they seem as if they are important, 

 not necessarily.  see your statement above.

 and then they are not. As ego dies away, it grabs onto them as a lifeline, 
puffing them up beyond their real significance. 

 I guess for some this might be the case, but certainly not for all.  In fact 
most of the individuals I know personally, who have (or had) such experiences, 
were extremely low key about them.

 Before enlightenment, brush your teeth and go to bed; after enlightenment, 
brush your teeth and go to bed. Once you find out there is nothing of 
significance, you no longer have to shoulder the oppression of the world and 
meddle with the inane intricacies of spiritual systems. Wake, work, brush 
teeth, sleep, over and over and over. Everything comes to nothing, and through 
all this diamonds of no significance are strewn along your way.

 Yes, that is way I think it goes, and way I feel about my own experiences 
along these lines.

 But, really, so what, if one is inclined to be more bold about the whole 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 This is rather funny.

 I would say the requirement for the reporting of so called spiritual 
experiences on FFL, to avoid the routine belittling and lampooning of such 
experiences, had to meet the following requirements, and post the following 

 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that this experience has absolutely NO 
IMPORTANCE and is akin to brushing my teeth.
 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that this experience could JUST AS LIKELY be 
 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that there is an equal possibility that this 
experiences was a result of mood making as from any true “spiritual” experience 
or awakening. In fact I must concede that this is likely the case.
 And, as long as the reporting of such experiences met these requirements, (and 
others) they were given a pass.

 If not, let the ridicule begin.

 Just sayin'


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