So, why didn't you show up at the X-Games with your trike? We were there, 
waiting. LoL! 

---In, <> wrote :

 "Not saying that Willy's nose wouldn't be bloodied if I was stuck in an 
elevator with him, but God has protected me by not putting me in said 
circumstances.  Lucky me, eh?"

 When is someone going to get that I'm fucking having funzies here with my 
creativity that often features the anger tone?   Geeeze.  If I'm vociferous, so 
the fuck what?  

And it was an ad hominem, because the issue was "Is Edg a quality thinker?" -- 
unexpressed, yes, but, no, IT WAS EXPRESSED.  And to deny this when everyone 
here knows that Steve was trying to elbow my ribs is ANOTHER ACT OF AGGRESSION 

Hee hee, fucking hee......I loves me da capital letters.

Can I get angry in a nanosecond?  OF FUCKING COURSE I CAN.  Can't you?

Can I have love flowing instantly?  OF FUCKING COURSE I CAN.  Can't you?

Have I lived a mostly normal life?  OF FUCKING COURSE I DID.  Didn't you?

I have been every kind of person -- shitheel, joker, leader, teacher, priest, 
lover, devotee, businessman, sportsman, psychologist, father, son, brother, 
husband, uncle, cousin, loser, winner.  Got me tons of success and tons of 

I'm having five thoughts per second -- I can cherry pick any emotion I want and 
by attending it, amplifying it into a full flown mental event with tons of 
processing.  CAN'T YOU?  Or rather, DON'T YOU SEE THAT YOU DO THIS TOO?

If you haven't been all roles of life and gotten really muddified, shame on you 
for wasting a life.  

Am I angry right now as I type this?  NOOOOOOO!  THIS IS FUN !  I'm writing!  
I'm putting words together "just so."  

If I was angry, you'd not know  it until the boom was lowered -- would not want 
to give you advanced warning...that I was just now stepping up onto your 
porch....with a blunt instrument.....hee hee....see?....I just put an onerous 
image into your mind......writers get away with this shit.

And, me?, angry at the pissants here when I have had REAL ENEMIES WHO DID 
MASSIVE DAMAGE TO ME IN EVERY WAY?  Get real -- no one here is worth my anger.  
And by the way, I have never taken revenge on anyone in the real 
world.....though I did win three lawsuits.....I mostly mean punching someone in 
the nose -- haven't been in a fist fight since I was 13 years old.  Not saying 
that Willy's nose wouldn't be bloodied if I was stuck in an elevator with him, 
but God has protected me by not putting me in said circumstances.  Lucky me, eh?

The real issue that I was addressing with satire is that Steve's trolling is 
too subtle for the likes of Doug to moderate.  Doug can't nail Steve for having 
an evil intent, because it would require a massive trial and gathering of facts 
-- impossible.  THAT WAS MY POINT. Doug is going to fail at moderation, because 
everyone would fail at it.  

And how much more does it take for Doug to declare someone a misfit troll out 
to make someone feel bad?

Does it really have to be such a large deal like someone asserting a lie that 
amounts to legal libel before Doug will ban someone?  

It's obvious that there's many here who LOVE TO DIG AT SOMEONE and get them 
riled up, and yet, Doug has not addressed anyone's MANY sins since he "took 
over here."  See? That's proof about how hard it is to pull it off -- Doug's 
probably regretting this, heh.  


---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 Steve did not commit an ad hominem 

 All he said was:

 1.  Doug was a moderator and not responsible for vetting all content (that 
would be rather difficult because Doug has to go outside and work). This is 
basically a factual statement.

 2. He said Doug was not a therapist, which is also probably a factual 
statement. Then he expressed an opinion that you had personal issues with 
anger. This may or may not be true. But his short post was not concerned with 
any argument you made supporting some position, so it is not an ad hominem. Ad 
hominem refers to logical argumentation as was discussed in post #416814. With 
out supporting arguments an opinion is just that, a surmise. Based on your 
response, I think Steve's surmise has some merit, but that is still an opinion. 
Nobody knows exactly what a person's inner emotional state is, but people do 
make judgements based on the perceived outer behaviour of a person, gestures, 
what they say, how they say or write.

 Your response to Steve appears to be what is called a diatribe which is 
defined (courtesy of

 A forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.

 synonyms: tirade, harangue, onslaught, attack, polemic, denunciation, 
broadside, fulmination, condemnation, censure, criticism.

 Now that sounds like someone who is angry, that anger directed at Steve in 
this case. This pretty much looks like a personal attack, whereas Steve, it 
seemed to me (opinion), was just making a suggestion. If any one has violated 
the guidelines here in this exchange, you have.

 I have to admit though, it is very entertaining. People to not require a Ph.D. 
to determine whether they think someone is angry or unbalanced, though 
eventually other factors may intervene for that someone, such as law 
enforcement officers or medical professionals working in the area of mental 

 If I were to comment on 'your case', I would have the opinion you have low 
self esteem, that you blow up some simple comments into a vast conspiracy 
against your person.



---In, <> wrote :

 Steve, You are labeling me as someone with stored up anger....."to whatever 
degree"....and for a large part of my adult life.

This is an ad hominem -- in a public forum.  

How so?

Quite simply I have not reported (here at FFL or elsewhere online) my inner 
emotional states throughout my life with any detail such that a, what?, couch 
psychiatrist?, can insinuate about my past or present or future emotional 
states.....let alone present a logical assembly of my posts that would 
demonstrate to a scientific prognosticator enough information for that 
"decider" to say, "Oh, yeah, that kind of mind, piss on it, that anger just 
clouds his judgment and it's just not worth dealing with this fuckwad."

Yet this is exactly the intent of your post.  You with no credentials are 
asserting something untrue about me.   
This is a foul accusation about me.  I protest to Doug.  

Doug?  There are not enough facts in evidence that I am someone with stored up 
anger -- which is merely code for "might blow at any minute."  My online 
history is checkered with every manner of emotionalism, because I'm a writer 
and give myself permission to be silly, satirical, rude, outrageous, poetic, 
raw, real, fake OR WHATEVER.  To interpret who I am from my online posts would 
require a PhD jury to authenticate some candidate's findings.  AS FUCKING IF.  
This is an outrageous smear job by any decent minded regard.

Aaaaaaaaand, further, the question: "Does that make sense?" is clearly another 
attempt to present the concept "Edg is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking 
stupid, you have to treat him like child, and always double check what's going 
on in that little noggin' of his."  

It is this sort of tactic that everyone here understands for what it is:  plain 
old trolling -- with a smirk that assumes there's denial ability to shield all 
protests.  "What?  I never meant that. Why how dare you accuse me of having 
such a low intent." -- like that. Like fucking that.  That's the tactic -- to 
me, it's Gestapol shit.

Now, in the past, I would enter into a delightful tirade of withering 
statements about you, personally, that would leave stains on your soul, but 

But you have violated the intent and spirit of the guidelines -- IN MY OPINION, 
and I call for Doug to arbitrate this issue and give us the benefit of his 
wisdom -- here in the public forum where the "act" occurred. Let's see if you 
have, indeed, befouled our pristine and new intent to be civil here, or if I'm 
mistaken and, truly, everyone thinks I'm way over the top in my interpretation 
of your below text.
---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 He's a moderator Edg, not responsible for vetting all the content that passes 
through here in terms of its future efficacy.  Or present efficacy for that 

 Nor is he a therapist to help you process whatever anger you have stored up 
from what appears to be a large part of your adult life participating in this 

 Does that make sense?




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