That seems shocking! Wouldn't you be ditching the good folk at Rendlesham or 
whatevetr the heck its called, that there vastu village?

      From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 11:51 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The World is getting better?

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Who was it that used to post the idea that the world is getting better?
A lot of people have made a statistical case for the world being more peaceful 
because we don't have the same type of wars as we used to. The stand up and run 
at each other type of Napoleonic warfare was superceded by the supreme insanity 
of the 2 world wars. Since then we've had nuclear weapons that have prevented 
direct superpower confrontation, so it all got pushed into proxy wars like Nam 
and Indonesia and Afghanistan.
Nowadays things seem to be getting worse to me. The Islamic State are some of 
the worst humans ever, and the disease of righteous religious crusading has 
taken root wherever there are Muslims who fought in the Afghan war against 
Russia in the 80's. That's where the seeds of today's conflicts were born.
What the solution is I have no idea, you can't reason people out of something 
they weren't reasoned into and the contagion is spreading. How many UK Muslims 
have sympathy for IS? Enough to seriously worry absolutely everybody who has 
bothered to ask the question.
When I was younger I was naive enough to think that human governmental systems 
would be improved by people as they worked out the best ways of doing things, 
but that signally hasn't happened. It all seems to be getting worse as far as I 
can see, inequality, environmental destruction, over-population, laissez faire 
capitalism etc And the winners are taking all and not sharing it out. I'd like 
to be optimistic but it seems like a crisis point is coming. 

What happened to the Towers of Invincibility and all the yogi flying and yagya 
Ah, the seductively simple solution, wouldn't that be great if that worked? 
Close your eyes and when you wake up the world is a better place. Magical.
If I had even the remotest belief in it I'd be living in Fairfield right now.

60 Million People Fleeing Chaotic Lands, U.N. Says
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| 60 Million People Fleeing Chaotic Lands, U.N. SaysThe United Nations refugee 
agency finds that war and persecution have displaced a record number of people. 
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