From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

From: salyavin808 <>

<snip to>

What happened to the Towers of Invincibility and all the yogi flying and yagya 
Ah, the seductively simple solution, wouldn't that be great if that worked? 
Close your eyes and when you wake up the world is a better place. Magical.
If I had even the remotest belief in it I'd be living in Fairfield right now.
This is an interesting point. How many people who actually read or post to 
Fairfield Life actually DO live in Fairfield? By my count, it's only 6 people. 
Out of 1570 registered users. 

So why does this tiny, tiny, tiny segment of the FFL population require 
"special protection" so that their "finest feeling level" sensibilities aren't 
disturbed by the other 1564 people talking about the real world?
Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth and be thankful we don't have to live 
there to post here. Not that that would be intrinsically a bad thing... oh you 
know what I mean.
But it makes me wonder how we all found this place?

I was looking for the Kaplan letter that I'd heard rumours of and a Google 
search led me to the files section, I had to join to have a look. I wasn't ever 
going to post anything, honest, but I got sucked into a conversation about God. 
And now 10 years later....

Great thread topic. 

I had been amicably divorced from the TMO for many years when I stumbled upon 
alt.meditation.transcendental on the Usenet. That was a real wake-up call for 
me because I had last even *thought about* the TM movement back in 1979. 
Participating on that forum I discovered that not only were there still people 
who believed in the stuff TM sold, they believed in it with such an intense, 
aberrant fervor that they were willing to stalk you into the next incarnation 
to "protect" their beliefs.  :-)
At some point during my a.m.t. experience, someone mentioned FFL. I knew 
nothing about it, and *assumed* that it was a TM TB forum, and that it wouldn't 
be of any interest to me. For a lark, I applied to FFL with that assumption 
firmly in mind, and thus was pleasingly surprised when Rick not only accepted 
me, but asked in his first post whether I was Uncle Tantra, the author of a 
book I had previously considered beyond the reach of TM practitioners. I 
admitted it, and he accepted me anyway. 

Kismet. I realized my folly immediately, and began to participate on this forum 
as the free speech forum it was intended to be. I enjoyed that until a small 
number of people realized that they couldn't actually make any rational 
arguments to dispute the "heretics" who posted on FFL, so they decided to drive 
them away instead. 

Consider me extremely pleased to see recent events, and "the shoe on the other 


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