Yes, the biker event was the impetus for the current spate, but in post 
#415501 the drone issue is mentioned, and has been brought up a number of times.

 And  'dh...' has just posted the following trying to downplay the drone 
comment in his usual opaque prose.

 'Dear MJ, on a fair re-reading of the evidence presented below in context 
quite evidently this is not an actionable threat as you and others seem so 
willingly to misinterpret it but a simile based on an empathy around a larger 
order. Case dismissed. No action of moderation required against Buck.'

 There are very few actionable threats on FFL, just empty threats and put-downs 
most of the time. Turq seems to just say what he wants and at some point stops. 
I really don't know if he ever recants anything he says. 'Buck' is to my mind 
hypocritical in maintaining a certain moral stance, while Turq is 
hypercritical, and morality is not a concern. He has not mentioned the word 
this year in relation to himself. Last year he gave this definition of morality 
in relation to religion:

 "'Morality' consists of doing what *we* say to do during your life so that Bad 
Things don't happen to you after your death."

 I myself don't think in terms of morality. The word ethics comes to mind, but 
in a world in which pure being somehow runs the show, such a concept is 
meaningless. If the laws of nature are truly laws, then everything we do is a 
function of those, and we need not be concerned about morality or ethics. Those 
concepts are for those trying to figure out why the world behaves differently 
than they would like, and those words only apply to those whose behaviour we 
find disturbing compared to the way we think of our own, even if we behave the 
same way, but pretend we are not behaving the same way. We do not think of an 
auto-mobile, a lawn mower, or a toothbrush as having a moral compass, the word 
is aimed at our own species only.

 So I do not think Turq is concerned with the concept of morality except in the 
case when someone else uses the word to justify their actions and statements in 
which case it becomes a lever to pry out prevarication; and note that 
prevarication can be used to bring prevarication to light. So wonderfully dark 
it sparkles!

 I am not interested in exonerating Turq, or Buck, or you, or myself. 
Exoneration implies a level of loftitude, incorruptibility, principle, and 
sincerity as the basis for FFL and its opposing teams of henchmen that hardly 
seems underlie the actuality here. And a faux moralist like 'Buck' does not 
undermine that contention. We are scrapping here for the hell of it, and if one 
considers this place serious business aimed at a better world, then all of that 
sentiment is for naught. Perhaps if it helps us see a bit deeper into our 
folly, it might have a bit of a positive ring to it.

 As the character of Captain Louis Renault in the movie Casablanca says...

 Renault: Everybody is to leave here immediately! This café is closed until 
further notice. Clear the room, at once!
 Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
 Renault: I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
 Croupier: [hands Renault money] Your winnings, sir.
 Renault (quietly): Oh, thank you very much. (louder) Everybody out at once!

 This is the ethics of this place.

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Let's not get confused here. It's much more closely related to a post made by 
Doug (not "Buck") on May 25, 2015, about the biker fight at the Twin Peaks 
restaurant in Waco, Texas. 

 We know you're doing your best to exonerate Turqb. That tells us a lot about 
who you are.

---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 All these posts are related to a March, 2014 post in which 'Buck' says to 'MJ' 
(the highlighted portion is the passage others fixated upon): 

 Spirituality, . ..stems from being initiated into TM
 MJ, you bet. More experience of the transcendent as the unified field is the 
basis of spiritual progress and transformation, call that cultivation a 
transcendent meditation however you want; transcending can go by different 
names culturally but it in large nature is all the same. These people were glad 
to have run in to TM as it was taught and started something for themselves 
then. Now, otherwise it is something else to wonder that you methodically 
dissuade your friends from meditating and rejoice in that. That you actively 
work to sink transcendental meditation and consciousness-based education.  That 
is incredibly anti-science and ultimately anti-spiritual. It is shocking and 
diabolical. I can empathize with Obama now. Were I President Obama securing the 
nation I'd have you straight-away on the drone list as a dangerous plotting 
enemy-combatant to civil society. I was going to suggest that may be you could 
get your own meditation checked for efficacy at transcendence.
 -Buck in the Dome

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Another post from turqb was also deleted that was even more vicious. Not sure 
of the number, but it's quoted in full in #415504 from seventhray. 



---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 Four May 25 posts #415498 to #415501 are missing, but are in my e-mail. The 
first three are from 'steve.sundar', which are a reply to a post #415494 by 
'turquoiseb', and the content of #415494 is in all of the three, but the 
original #415494 is also intact on the group. Each of two following the first 
adds some more comments. The fourth missing post is #415501 by 'turquoiseb' 
which is an additional comment added to $415494. These comments were in 
response to post #415487 by 'dh...' which remains on FFL for the moment, and in 
which 'dh...' says: 

 'Well, one could certainly empathize with someone standing by monitoring and 
then in the middle of a firefight between a bunch of bikers. At a point it is 
just plain self-defense to shoot or be shot in the moment. Put yourself in the 
middle of a rough looking people all wearing vests who are shooting at each 
other with heavy caliber weapons. Once order is set in you betcha the cops 
shouted, "Hands up, Don't Shoot!".   We could use some assertion of moderation 
around here too.'

 Post #415501 suggests that 'dh...' is prone to 'violent fantasies'.

 The deletion of material suggests 'dh...' found the material not to his/her 
liking, but it was incompletely deleted. On June 8 Rick announced he was 
thinking of appointing a moderator. I do not know what date the posts were 
deleted, nor who deleted them unless they speak up. Worse has been said earlier 
and subsequently, to me the deletions are just curious.

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 The posts in question were made on May 25. 


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