Our new moderator is a dipshit vedic nazi and a partisan moronDoug for being a 
snivelling coward
All insults that give grounds for your very own dismissal Sal! 
And here I thought I would be the first to go - I reckon Bucky wants to keep 
tabs on me so he will know where to direct the drones.
      From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 8:44 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum 
for me?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

I have zero idea what's going on, but I'll at least let him say goodbye.
 ----- Forwarded Message -----
  From: TurquoiseBee <turquoiseb@...>
 To: Alex Stanley <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
 Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 5:46 AM
 Subject: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?
It appears that Doug has gone ahead with his threats and has deleted my access 
to Fairfield Life. I'm just wondering how he justifies doing this based on 
supposedly "offending" posts of mine made back in May when on June 9th in post 
#416493 he explicitly said:
Inmoderation at this point I feel “the past is a lesser state ofevolution” and 
I am going forward with a clean slate on everyone and notone is on moderation 
in any way from this point. I would only suggestin our going forward that folks 
take the time to actually read theYahoo-groups guidelines if they want to 
continue fluidly posting onFFL. We should appreciate your cooperative 
collaboration on this.  -JaiGuruYou! 

Seems to me there is more than a little hypocrisy, double-dealing, and outright 
dishonesty going on here, and since Doug has eliminated the possibility of me 
bringing this question up to the group myself, I figured I'd ask you to do it 
for me. 

Thanks for everything. You have been more than fair in all of your dealings 
with Fairfield Life and with the odd group of characters who have posted there 
over the years. I wish that sense of fairness and honesty was equally present 
in the newest moderator. 

Barry...ooops, do I get in trouble for using my own real name?  :-)

P.S. To everyone else, so long and thanks for all the fish...

It really won't be the same without you old chap. Our new moderator is a 
dipshit vedic nazi and a partisan moron who has thrown out one of the most 
innovative and dynamic posters here in his all consuming quest for uniform 
Why Rick would leave the rights to who gets to post here down to him is beyond 
me, complete disinterest I suppose. But I guess that somehow we'll have to try 
and compensate for the inevitable gaping hole that your absence will leave 
So cheers Barry for all the laughs, insights, wisdom, book recommendations, 
movie reviews and the ongoing travelogue of your life and times. If only the 
people who spent all day sitting in a dome with their eyes closed had so much 
to say!
TTFN and all the very, very best.

PS Well done Doug for being a snivelling coward and not even daring to have a 
discussion about post content with Barry on here. Seems to me that every 
example you found to back up your decision was very poor indeed and stood up to 
about two seconds of scrutiny. But that's not the point is it? It's all about 
using the guidelines to further what YOU think this place should be about. 
Shame you never read the home page...

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  • [FairfieldLife]... Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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