---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 A few weeks ago, I posted an article about the new developments in physics 
discussed at a conference in Puerto Rico.  Apparently, some physicists are 
raising the issue that information is more fundamental than matter and energy.  
That means Hawking, Krauss and Dawkins are wrong in their interpretation of the 
Big Bang.

 Information is certainly important. But how can it be structured without 
space-time, energy-matter? Without matter there is no way to encode 
information, without energy, no way to transmit it

 Information can be interpreted as consciousness that springs forth from the 
unified field.  As such, this information is the observer, the process of 
observing, and the observed.  This is the dynamic relationship that creates the 
infinite universes which includes our own.

 Consciousness that springs forth requires a nervous system, and that is matter 
and energy. If we assume the universe is unified, all these things are together 
as one anyway so there is no point in trying to get rid of one and the same 
thing to make the idea sound more 'spiritual'. The physical universe and 
'spirit' are one and the same, that is what unification means, so it is not 
necessary to eliminate or redefine levels of existence. Because they are 
unified, it is no longer necessary to postulate emergence because it is not a 
sequence of events that is unfolding; the idea of creator or a beginning only 
comes into play if you have a world that is dis-unified.


 Take Yoga Vasistha for example on this point:

 Vasistha: 'But all this talk about who created this world and how it was 
created is intended only for the purpose of composing scriptures and expounding 
them: it is not based on truth. Modifications arising in the infinite 
consciousness or organisation of the cosmic being, do not really take place in 
the Lord, though they appear to do so. There is naught but the infinite 
consciousness, even in imagination! To think of that being the creator and the 
universe as the created, is absurd: when one lamp is kindled from another, 
there is no creator-creature relationship between them—fire is one. Creation is 
just a word, it has no corresponding substantial reality.'

 As a product of the unified field, our universe is a reflection of its 
creator.  Our earth and everything in it are part of this universe and the 
quantum wave function which made this all happen.  MMY stated that this wave 
function can be accessed while in transcendental consciousness or samadhi.

 I doubt this is true, but because you are saying it is a quantum mechanical 
function, then there are physical qualities that could be measured to check out 
the idea. You just have to formulate the meditation theory in a way that it 
predicts certain quantum mechanical events, and design the experiment to see if 
that happens. If it does not, the theory is wrong.


 Dr. John Hagelin stated in one of internet videos that the expansion of the 
universe is powered by dark energy, the emptiness of space, i.e. the unified 
field itself.

 We really do not seem to know what dark energy is or how and why it is there, 
if it is there. Some scientists feel there are other explanations for the 
observations for which dark energy and matter are hypothesised. Hagelin is of 
course no longer really a physicist that communicates with his physicist peers. 
He doesn't write papers or formulate anything scientifically any more.

 Other scientists, like Dr. Leonard Susskind, are proposing that the beginning 
and end of the universe can be compared to information stored in a hologram 
which can be expressed in scientific formulas.  But this idea lacks the lively 
intelligence of the information expressed in MMY's samhita of the 

 Without formulating these theories (hologram or samhita) in a way that 
generates parameters that can be physically measured, there is no way to tell 
the difference between them. You might as well say the universe came from a 
chicken sandwich (a very special sort of chicken sandwich of course).


 You may disagree with this idea from MMY, but the new concept, that 
information is more fundamental than matter and energy, is somewhat similar to 
the thoughts that MMY formulated many years ago.

 With a unified system, information, matter and energy will appear to emerge 
simultaneously. Saying one is more fundamental than the other is a post hoc 
explanation mapped onto the world to explain how it appears when viewed not as 
being but as becoming. That means the attention is narrowed so experience is 
fragmented and the world then appears in pieces that seem to move in relation 
to one another and the mind must try to figure out how they are related. Take 
the formula for general relativity. The equation shows how the whole system 
stands as a whole, but if you plug a particular value into one of the values in 
the equation, it will show you how the whole system will look at that 
particular moment; another value, how the whole system will appear at another 
moment; the equation itself contains all the moments.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 7:41 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Why Does Time Exist?
 Sean Carroll, a physicist, discusses the various aspects of time but does not 
cover the various theories of the Big Bang.  He did not talk about the unified 
field or the quantum wave function which was the source of the Big Bang.
 IMO, the fact that the universe is expanding to eternity means that the 
universe came out of eternity, through the quantum wave function.
 In the Big Bang theory, if space were negatively curved, the universe would 
expand, as a measure of time, eternally, but that does not say anything about 
where it came from or what it came from, or in fact if it came at all. The 
beginning, as a function of quantum mechanical ideas might be a quantum 
fluctuation, but did any quantum field exist before the universe began. But 
before it began, or even at the beginning there would be no quantum wave 
function, which requires there be particles, but no particles exist in that 
highly compressed state at the Big Bang. A wave function in quantum mechanics 
describes the quantum state of an isolated system of one or more particles.
 Exactly what does 'coming out of eternity' mean in your scenario. Is the 
eternity the universe comes out of time based? Because without space-time, 
there is no time. Whereas the universe expanding to eternity takes, in terms of 
time, forever, and that is time-based.
 Sean Carroll: Why Does Time Exist? 

 Sean Carroll: Why Does Time Exist? 
Cosmologist Sean Carroll tackles a deceptively simple question: Why does time 
exist at all? The potential answers point to a surprising view of the nature 

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