is this what they call................. 
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---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 No, he doesn't appear to be a psychopath. If anything, I am closer to being 
one than him. His career path, and the people he lives with probably would not 
have worked out that way if he were a psychopath. Psychopaths tend to be 
ingratiating, they have an ability to make you like them. Turq does not seem to 
have that ability to create a fake, loving façade that will fool most people, 
if anything, he is the opposite, an acquired taste that many here cannot 
stomach. You were trying to get Yahoo to interfere with freedom of speech here, 
and Rick did not care for such a threat. But now of course, freedom of speech 
is curtailed, just in another direction, a bit more in the direction of 
insanty, as he gave moderation to the one here most infected with religion. 
Religious people tend not to enjoy free speech when it comes to their sacred 
cows. I think all people who believe in a religion are insane, so apparently 
you would fall into that category. But it is a limited insanity. For example, 
you might know how to make a good cup of coffee, and know precisely how to 
proceed to accomplish that and have other skills. But the human mind comes to a 
strange disconnect when it comes to religious beliefs. It is felt they must be 
protected and that somehow they are different from other beliefs. But all 
beliefs have one characteristic, they are a pretence to knowledge which one 
does not really have, and religious beliefs tend to be programmed into the mind 
at an early age where the mind is very plastic and vulnerable and gullible. It 
is a form of conditioning that results in a mechanical response to certain 
kinds of input later in life. A spiritual life is one in which those 
conditioned beliefs are unwound and are replaced by something you would never 
in a million years expect.

 From: "jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 2:03 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great Beyond Dispatch #2

Too bad things ended this way for 'uncle tantra'. He is a 
high calibre intellectual, but unfortunately a horrendous 
psychopath. As Judy pointed out, he is so focussed on 
displaying his dazzling language skills that he loses 

This is what he said when I got bounced by Rick,

"So IMO during this latest kerfuffle Jedi was just being an 
annoying Internet troll by trolling religious fanatic Jews. 
Dan, on the other hand, was trying to be a dictatorial 
bastard by trying to threaten Rick for not silencing him. 
Jedi was merely willing to diss religious fanatics. Dan was 
being *such* a dictatorial bastard that he was willing to 
try to get Yahoo to censure Fairfield Life or take it down 
because people on it were saying some things he didn't like. 
*That*, I am pretty sure, is what pushed Rick to act. In his 
own sick, twisted way, Dan was trying to do exactly the same 
thing that other asshole from the past was doing when he 
posted porn to FFL and then reported it to Yahoo, again in 
an attempt to get it taken down, and again for the same 
reason -- he didn't like what some people were saying about 
things he was attached to.

Jedi was merely expressing his opinion, no matter how 
crudely or stupidly. Dan was trying to force other people to 
do what *he* wanted them to do. Given a choice, I'd rather 
live with foul-mouthed critics like Jedi than live with the 
insane people like Dan. But Rick made the "wisdom of 
Solomon" choice and got rid of BOTH of them. Win-win. 
Congratulations, Rick.

Agreed. Very Solomon-like, getting rid of both the 
12-year-old and the whiner. I don't "auto delete" jedi's 
posts, just nuke them at the first glimpse of crazy, which 
is much of the time. Dan, however, has been on my DNR list 
since he reappeared, but he *still* required maintenance, 
just to empty the folder collecting his posts. It's been 
like living alone but having to flush the toilet 100 times a 
day to get rid of someone else's shit. Good riddance.

--- <anartaxius@...> wrote :

How come so many are talking about Turq? It seems he is still very much with us 
here, in spite of the cadre that wanted him removed. And note that when one 'R' 
was talked about after having been canned, he came back courtesy of Rick. And 
we still do not know the offence Turq was canned for, a total lack of 
transparency is still operational here by the head of the Fairfield 
Inquisition. What you wrote here is about equal to anything Turq ever wrote on 
this group, as far as content and tone, so his removal is all the more 
inexplicable. TurquoiseBee's alleged 'badness' really has counterparts among 
other members of this group, including those that ran to the Peak. Since I last 
cleared my email, there are practically no posts on the Peak. It seems as if 
the cowards there are returning here. An overpopulation of wussies spells ill 
for the quality of content on FFL. The problem with Turq was there were few who 
could make a reasoned argument against what he threw at you. Anything is 
possible. Turq's main gripe, if we could call it that, was that ego co-opted 
just about everything spiritual here, and so he poked repeatedly at that ego 
value masquerading as spiritual wisdom.

---Duveyoung <> wrote :

 Sour grapes, Turq?  You've been here for fucking ever and now you can walk 
away as if it were nothing, eh?

Nobody gunna miss ya much.  Nobody gunna tearfully read your old posts like 
they were photos in an album.  Nobody gunna say, "You know, Turq got us all on 
the right track about that issue."  Not even Curtis will miss how you strode so 
haughtily into denial and tried to leave blood everywhere in your wake.

Nobody gunna give ya a quick fix for your addiction:  imagining emotional 
discomfort in others.  What a fucked hobby that is. Dude, I mean, really?

You added up to a negative number here.  

And now what?  More coffee, group sex, films and running from the law?  Just 
askin'.  I have always suspected you were over there because of some problems 
over here.  It just seems like such a natural conclusion given what a pissant 
sod you seem to be in real life.  What is it?  Back alimony?  Law suit liens?  
Drug charges?  One finds such a list easy to imagine.

And here's me dissin' on your ass for no reason at all, eh?  You never did jack 
shit one to anybody here and you can't imagine why all the chop-bustin' on ya?  

And I love it that you're saying you would never come back. just 
made it harder for yourself to beg for forgiveness.   And you would've, but 
now, you've purposefully made it harder because you know you would have.  See 
ya in a few years then.  Time heals so much.

But watch, by getting Alex to repost your replies, etc., you'll weasel your way 
back here and pretend you just "went on vacation is all."

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, the reason I'm doing this beating of your dead stinking 
horse, is that I know how much you'd like to give one of your classic asshole 
responses that always and solely end up being raw vile hatred of all things 
human......and now can't.  Turning purple with rage over there?  

You're a pill. Glad you're the one who had to end up swallowing it.

--- <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: TurquoiseBee <turquoiseb@...> 
To: Alex Stanley <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 11:01 PM 
Subject: Alex, can you make *another* post to the forum for me?

Alex, you have been an honorable voice in all of this, so I'm going to ask you 
for one additional favor -- can you post this update to the group? Thanks in 

Hi guys and gals,

I wanted to pass some information along to you to help with your ongoing 
discussions, not to mention your vote. I have sorta been following things on 
FFL, although not closely, so I have noticed that Doug Hamilton is *still* 
managing to stonewall everyone here and NOT give a reason why he deleted my 
access to Fairfield Life. At the same time, he has suggested strongly that he 
and Rick are in complete agreement on it (from post #417314):

"Yes, Turqb and Serious are gone from FFL by moderation. I am only the CEO. My 
master is the list owner. We had quite sufficient back and forth about this 
before taking our additional time to go in to pull the moderation levers in the 

Well, I wish to shed a little light on this claim. Rick *finally* replied to my 
email to him, sent NOT to ask to rejoin FFL (there has been such a display of 
scumbaggery by a few here that I have serious doubts that I *would* rejoin 
FFL), but to focus on what for me is the larger issue of abuse of power. It 
took Rick several days *to* reply, and when he did (in a couple of posts), he 
made the following points:

1. He does NOT agree that FFL posters should be prohibited from criticizing 
David Lynch, as Doug attempted to enforce.

2. He does NOT agree that an FFL moderator should be able to delete a poster 
from the forum without giving a specific reason why.

3. He has NOT been "moderating the moderator" and following Doug's actions *as* 
moderator. He doesn't have the time. I got the strong impression that he has 
not read a single one of the many posts surrounding this issue, and has no 
intention of ever doing so. In other words, if you're waiting for Rick to 
intervene and "make a wise, informed executive decision" on all of this, you'll 
be waiting forever.

4. He does NOT know the reason that Doug deleted me from FFL. Doug has been 
stonewalling Rick, just as he has everyone else. If Rick is telling the truth 
in his emails to me (and I see no reason to disbelieve him), then Doug is LYING 
above about having been in communication with Rick about my removal. He is also 
LYING about the "back and forth" between Rick and himself. The truth is more as 
Alex told it -- Rick is simply *not interested* in Fairfield Life, and has 
neither the time nor inclination to follow a thread of posts and "get to the 
bottom of" any issue.

5. Rick suggests that he bowed to Doug's constant demands to be made moderator 
as an experiment, and so far has had to trust him to do the right thing. Repeat 
-- he has NOT been involved in any of the decisions or pronouncements that Doug 
has made.

6. Rick specifically mentioned that he had been afraid that Doug would try to 
run things as his "Buck" persona, and made it clear that this was NOT what he 
wanted. Doug supposedly agreed, although I think we all know that if he did he 
was LYING to Rick about that, too.

That's all I know. I will happily make the whole email exchange available to 
Alex if he asks me to do so, so that he can affirm that I am not distorting 
what Rick said.

I do NOT have any suggestions for those of you still on FFL, and suffering 
under the obvious attempt by a spiritual stormtrooper to take over the forum 
and shape it into his sick, twisted vision of "community." I have specifically 
NOT asked Rick to reinstate me, and will not do so -- if he decides to, that 
will be his decision.

Thanks to many people here for the great writing and the many times you have 
stood up for yourselves and done the right thing. Good luck working all of this 
out. I'm just writing you to let you know that from my perspective it really 
does look as if YOU are the ones who have to work things out -- you *really* 
aren't going to get any help from Rick on this.

Turq / Barry



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