Reading your post about the warning signs soon after beginning TM - can you 
believe that when I first started I was so stupid I really believed that all 
the local TM teachers were enlightened???

      From: "Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 3:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)
    None of us are perfect, and there does seem to be a narrowing of one's 
focus on certain things as we move into older age. I wasn't on FFL in the early 
days, but sniping back and forth did seem to be increasing, it's basically a 
lower brain function. Maharishi seemed to be in much better form when he was 
younger too. Each conversation has two sides. I cannot see that those that 
opposed Turq so vociferously here really acted much better or more 
intelligently. I cannot see that the Peak with its absurd discussions of crop 
circles etc., is a Peak of intelligence. The goal, if you will, is to have the 
extremes of existence all functioning within that existence, not as separated 
So FFL is still the best bet to find a decent conversation, but there is a dark 
cloud of suppression overhead at the moment, and so far it has been what seems 
to be personally selective. It is the ideas and what you can learn from them, 
or make out of them, not the people that propose them that I find interesting. 
What you do not like, skip over or delete (if you interact by email). Perhaps 
all of us have had an idol that did not live up to the image we pretended to 
ourselves that they were. In the movement, even shortly after one started to 
get involved with TM, there were strange warning signs something was amiss, and 
we would ignore it. The main problem is human beings are never ever really a 
match for the ideals they create. Still, we can sometimes extract value out of 
a much-less-than-what-we-would-consider-ideal situation.

     From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 6:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

You know Xeno, about 14 years ago 'Uncle Tantra' was like a 
giant to me, battling the TM-mov't and other cults. As all 
three of us are basically on the same page philosophically, 
I did learn a lot from him.

But, as years of interaction showed he is not as perfect as 
I thought him to be.  I guess we all are human.  But, it's a 
fact that I learnt quite a number of valuable things from 

What I tried to explain is that his reaction when I was 
bounced, was almost brazen and callous. Some of his 
critiques about the TM-mov't a decade ago were well written 
and should be read by the people on the highest level in the 
mov't.  It seemed, he began to slowly deterioriate mentally 
as years rolled by.

Time is time, it eventually catches you, and you are 

By the way, don't you think MJ should start "the_abyss" 
group.  The peak can be the north pole. The FairfieldLife 
the equator, and 'the abyss' the south pole.

--- <anartaxius@...> wrote :

Senility just means life is getting mellower. While it is true authfriend would 
root out various kinds of errors in what people wrote, she often did not see 
the forest for the trees, and did not expound much on what she actually knew 
about the subjects she was criticising were discussing. It was all dissection 
and no integration. If you go over Turq's posts for the last 10 years, you will 
find he also could provide clarity. Both Turq and authfriend tried made people 
look like idiots, and possibly some us were and still are.

--- <jason_green2@...> wrote :

Hey Xeno, it's me, moi, the old jedi_spock. Rick bounced me 
along with 'Dan firedman'.

I never got yahoo to interfere in the freedom of speech 
here. It was Dan who did it. Rick didn't give me an 
opportunity to explain my POV. A few days later Rick kindly 
reinstated me. Thanks to Curtis who put in a good word to 

Looks like you too are becoming senile like Barry. It's 
these kind of errors that irritated authfriend.

Tell you what, you and me, along with Salyavin, MJ, Curtis 
move over to "the abyss".  Let 'the abyss' be the mirror of 

Hell, I wish someone like "gullible fool" comes back and 
takes over the moderatership from Buck.

Barry's posts were never designed to give people clarity. 
Barry's posts were designed to hurt people at the tender 
feeling level and make them look like idiots. There was a 
sadistic streak in his posts that befuddled people.

--- <anartaxius@...> wrote :

No, he doesn't appear to be a psychopath. If anything, I am closer to being one 
than him. His career path, and the people he lives with probably would not have 
worked out that way if he were a psychopath. Psychopaths tend to be 
ingratiating, they have an ability to make you like them. Turq does not seem to 
have that ability to create a fake, loving façade that will fool most people, 
if anything, he is the opposite, an acquired taste that many here cannot 
stomach. You were trying to get Yahoo to interfere with freedom of speech here, 
and Rick did not care for such a threat. But now of course, freedom of speech 
is curtailed, just in another direction, a bit more in the direction of 
insanty, as he gave moderation to the one here most infected with religion. 
Religious people tend not to enjoy free speech when it comes to their sacred 
cows. I think all people who believe in a religion are insane, so apparently 
you would fall into that category. But it is a limited insanity. For example, 
you might know how to make a good cup of coffee, and know precisely how to 
proceed to accomplish that and have other skills. But the human mind comes to a 
strange disconnect when it comes to religious beliefs. It is felt they must be 
protected and that somehow they are different from other beliefs. But all 
beliefs have one characteristic, they are a pretence to knowledge which one 
does not really have, and religious beliefs tend to be programmed into the mind 
at an early age where the mind is very plastic and vulnerable and gullible. It 
is a form of conditioning that results in a mechanical response to certain 
kinds of input later in life. A spiritual life is one in which those 
conditioned beliefs are unwound and are replaced by something you would never 
in a million years expect.


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