---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :


 So far Doug has stonewalled us on his reasons for banning Barry. So some are 
making up their own to cover this glaring gap.

 Nope, that's a story *you* made up. Nobody's doing that.

 When I first saw Barry's warcry of defiance--that he was going to ignore 
Doug--I thought, Whoops, he's gone too far this time; that's going to get him 
bounced. That was before we knew there was going to *be* an explanatory gap. 
And I still think that's what pushed him over the edge of Doug's tolerance.

 Your post to me, Curtis, is flapping limply in the breeze at the moment. I'll 
get to it later this afternoon. In the meantime, you might just want to look up 
that post of Ann's I mentioned so you can at least limit your embarrassment 
over your Doug-twisted-Rick's-arm story by not repeating it. (Goodness knows 
you don't have the integrity to retract it.)


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