As long as he had a dry cave to sleep in, why would he worry about his housing, 
given the fact that he had that bag was it, the one that GD could reach into 
and pull out any food or other items he wanted? Reckon what happened to that 
bag, I doubt Marshy had it, otherwise he wouldn't have needed to defraud people 
to get money.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, July 4, 2015 10:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Roots of TM
    Re "Why did Swa. Brahmananda abandon this realization-practice to engage in 
a role-playing position as a kingly Shankaracharya. This is never addressed by 
the biographies but is glossed over with pious platitudes.":

Many Homeless people accept help to live inside when they reach the age where 
it is too hard to continue to camp on public land which is what Guru Dev was 
doing when they asked him. I never heard about any trickery. He accepted once, 
then reneged and ran away for a while. Then they convinced him to come live 
inside. Quite a posh homeless shelter.

It was probably hard for an old guy to make such a big change. But the 3 hots 
and a cot lifestyle has its appeal for a man of a certain age. Even if it comes 
with people waving camphor and incense in your face occasionally. 

Reading his words about religion reminds me of other fundamentalist religious 
people who like to think and talk about God all the time. I gotta figure it was 
because of a lack of commitment to mastering the guitar.

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

Re "Why did Swa. Brahmananda abandon this realization-practice to engage in a 
role-playing position as a kingly Shankaracharya. This is never addressed by 
the biographies but is glossed over with pious platitudes.":

Didn't MMY say that Guru Dev was tricked into accepting the position? Or am I 
imagining that I heard that story? If so, I must be going senile.

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

that is a damn good question - I appreciate you posting this. I am gonna get 
this book and see what it does have to say, esp. now with this in mind.

  From: "emptybill@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, July 3, 2015 12:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Roots of TM
 Anyone read this stuff?

These types of biographies contain lots of valuable information. However, all 
of them tend to be hagiographies written by Western psychophantic householders. 
Consequently none of them reflect the ACTUAL view of sannyasa held by someone 
like swami Brahmananda Saraswati. He was not just a sannyasin, but rather a 
Danda-Sannyasin, which is a specific category of stict renunciation. 
Danda-Sannyasins have no concern with the world at all. Rather, they take care 
of simple bodily needs and use their remaining life moments to engage in 
nididhyasana (contemplation). This means examination of the apparent difference 
between the Awareness-Self and experience itself. Between Self and Other. 
Between Brahman and appearances.

It also means contemplating the Upanishad declarations that Brahman is reality 
itself (satyam), Awareness itself (jnanam), limitlessness itself (anantam) and 
that this apparent world is that very Brahman itself. 

Why did Swa. Brahmananda abandon this realization-practice to engage in a 
role-playing position as a kingly Shankaracharya. This is never addressed by 
the biographies but is glossed over with pious platitudes.

PS: Don't bother replying with "He loved us so much he wanted to save us from 
ourselves" christian theologizing B.S. Also leave off the "He was a great 
bodhisattva" Buddhist B.S. These types of answers will only demonstrate lack of 
understanding the question.

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