---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :
 Doug is right here, and I think calling this new group Free Speech is a 
misnomer, as Doug implies. It's more a question of civility than free speech.

Me: I'll bet our idea of civility would be a pretty close match. But it is a 
subjective evaluation. The question is who do you trust to make such a 
judgement call for you? Buck? His view may match yours, it does not match mine. 
Remember, he canned Barry for what was a personal opinion about Lynch. There 
was nothing uncivil about it IMO. So freedom means not being subject to that 
kind of judgement, especially without reasonable recourse to challenge. That is 
movement freedom where you are free to do anything THEY want. And he didn't 
save anyone from Xeno and Michael, he just used his power to kick them off 
because he felt personally insulted.

 IIf, say, you go to a party and spend your time there insulting and ridiculing 
and misrepresenting others, you will likely be asked to leave. 

Me: I think the analogy is off. It is more like the people you see at the 
mailboxes in an apartment building. If someone acts like an ass you just avoid 
them and don't engage with them. Some people here act as if they are forced to 
read posts. I read very few posts here. What goes on in posts I don't read is 
really none of my business unless I go out of my way to make it my business by 

But would it be fair to call that a curtailment of your right to free speech? I 
don't think so. It would just be an adverse commentary on your boorish social 
behavior, which you would be well advised to amend.  

Me: The social example is too intimate. It would be like being at a huge New 
Year's eve party where you can strike up a conversation and if you sense 
buttholeidtude, you just say, "excuse me but I have to go see a man about a 
horse" and leave them standing their with their drink in their hand and their 
mouth open. Now if the person tries to chase you down and MAKE you listen to 
them, or if they follow you home, you might need the authorities to straighten 
them out or get a restraining order.

If Buck had earned the groups trust by showing up as a reasonable person whose 
values more people trusted he would not have gotten this push back. In order to 
silence critics ,who he refers to as apostates using ominous old time religious 
language to disparage, he will happily see FFL go under. My guess is that he 
will get his wish. This place is doomed as an interesting place to have 
discussions with him judging content.

Very few people have been trained in how to discuss ideas without making it 
personal. You have seen it a million times here. Someone takes a shot at 
Maharishi or his ideas and then someone goes after them personally. It has 
happened to me more often than not. I accept that and only continue if the 
person has something interesting to say to prolong the discussion so I get my 
writing prompt. I am at peace with the idea that I will have to be insulted by 
people who can't separate ideas from their identity or are just bitchy people 
and interact that way. Some very bright people here are personally 
argumentative and cantankerous. I will happily take the good with the bad to 
have a conversation that interests me. I don't need anyone making that call for 
me. Especially not someone who does not share my values of tolerating 
eccentricity if the person is worth chatting with.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 As someone pointed out down at Paradiso Cafe in Fairfield, Iowa this morning 
about the creation of FFL2 for the FFL-banished, these fox may not have fun for 
long by themselves without also having hens to pick on. Making straw-men may 
suffice for some while and keep them from tearing at each other for some time. 
The Yahoo-groups guidelines eventually will find and rule them where ever they 
may go as they meet up with kind people in civil society. A character of 
violence in civil society often is that it is self-limiting in nature and the 
asocial tend to isolate themselves. Thanks for better facilitating that, Alex. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

 On a whim, I made a FFL free speech zone. Use it. Don't use it. Doesn't matter 
to me. Just letting you know it's there.

Yahoo! Groups https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FFL-2 
 Yahoo! Groups https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FFL-2 Sorry, an error 
occurred while loading the content.

 View on groups.yahoo.com https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FFL-2
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Thank God, now maybe we can get some peace around here from all the whining. I 
think you might have wanted to call the new site "australia".


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