No meditation will remove all of your samskaras so they still play out. And then there is the theory that we're all just living out a script and everything is predestined. What can happen with meditation is you witness your life more and more as if it's played out on a movie screen you're now aware of though you weren't before.

Of course your mileage may vary.

On 07/15/2015 10:27 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

The one thing TM has just never been able to help:  FAT ASSES

As much as you'd think the TM leaders would be all about right-living and healthy disciplines, we see that the higher ups are as fat as Baron Harkonnen. Perhaps they're all puffed up with that extra bliss.

Truth: TMers have the same life-problems as any other group -- TMers have the same percentages as non-TMers for how many die young, divorce, get sick, unemployed and on and on.

One has to ask: if TM means that much to the leaders, why wouldn't they at least lose weight by some other method and pretend it was TM that did it?

In case you didn't hear: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -- the TM Godlike Guru -- is dead. And no one with a direct connection to the Absolute has taken his place.

This means fat asses will be with us until the end of days.

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