Because the posts in question had to do with Doug and FFL. 

---In, <> wrote :

 I'm not sure I see the point of these "Barry bulletins." Why don't you post 
them on FFL2? Barry is no longer on this forum, and I doubt whether anyone here 
wants to read about him. He was booted off for very good reasons, so why keep 
raising his ghost here?

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Below is Barry's comment on my bulletin (posted only a little over a half-hour 
later--he must have been checking FFL every hour or so). 

 Note that he doesn't acknowledge his biggest goof, that it was Doug who 
brought up Subud. That wasn't part of the "joke"; that was Barry being so 
anxious to find something to bash Doug with that he just didn't notice who had 
made the first post. (Or maybe he did notice and figured nobody on FFL2 would 
bother to check, so he'd get away with the lie.)

 Note also that I didn't even mention the "possessed" idea. That was obviously 
what Barry thinks of as a "joke" and was what the smiley face referred to. And 
of course Doug wouldn't have bothered to respond, much less freak out.

 I think Barry has been *shattered* by the events of the past months, starting 
with the consequences of his baby-abuse post in November. And now he's penned 
in with people who think like he does, and none of his usual targets within 
easy striking distance. He's having a very tough time keeping himself together, 
and it's only going to get worse.


 Didn't you notice the smiley face at the end of my post? I was mainly joking 
about Doug actually practicing Subud, although the idea of him being possessed 
really *would* explain much. :-)

I posted what I did to see whether he'd freak out and post something insane 
over on FFL in response. So far, the only person who has done that, however, 
was the Judenator. She's dumb enough to fall for *anything*.  :-)  :-)  :-)



---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Correct-a-mundo! Yes, I made the original post. I was bringing up the subject 
to see how many people remembered what Maharishi said about it. He did not like 
it at all. Seems he had some knowledge about it, I thought , from traveling in 
and around Indonesia and Singapore. He did say it had something to do with 
Spirit possession and caused problems with mind/body coordination. We were not 
to initiate anyone practicing it until they had given it up for at least six 
months.  He, M, was very serious about it. I came away with the impression, 
from what M was saying, that it was worse, for your evolution, than doing 

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2015 8:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: for teachers

 Barry's in a state of some considerable confusion. He's accusing Doug of 
having brought up Subud here and of seeming to promote it; he wonders whether 
Doug has been "secretly *practicing* Subud for some time."

 Of course it was Mike Dixon who brought it up (see last quoted post below). 
Doug didn't even speak up until after Mike, Bhairitu, S3raphita, and emptybill 
had been discussing Subud for 10 posts.

 I'm telling you, it really is another world over there on FFL2.



---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Described this way, “..wholly conscious throughout and free to stop” this part 
of Subud does not necessarily sound like spirit or entity possession but much 
more like the ashram community practices coming out of meditative quietism of 
the old Amana Colony lineage and in Shaker village ashram practices or on 
courses learning the TM-Siddhis. 
 “but simply to intend to surrender to the Divine. During the exercise, 
practitioners may find that, in terms of physical and emotional expression, 
they involuntarily move, make sounds, walk around, dance, jump, skip, laugh, 
cry or whatever. The experience varies greatly for different people, but the 
practitioner is always wholly conscious throughout and free to stop the 
exercise at any time.”  

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Don't know how Subud was actually portrayed by someone back then on courses to 
M. However there seems a spectrum of concern from spirit-ism as 'possession' 
and to 'channeling', to an earnest TM [spiritual] interest in cultivating ritam 
bhara pragya readings of pakritis of nature. Where is Nablusoss1008 when we 
need his specialized discernment on this subject here? By description, Subud it 
seems starts with a quieting or transcending meditation and then various kriyas 
can start up. That evidently is not uncommon in meditative practices.  Bhairitu 
offers, Possession is not part of TM or most any other form of meditation.  It 
is a part of other paths rituals not limited to Subud.  In tantra we have ways 
of removing possession. Emptybill writes: Yep, well said. Spirit possession is 
not related to the practice of TM or any form of yoga - whether described by 
Patanjali or codified in the Agamas and Tantras of Vaishnavas, Shaivas or 
Shaktas. MMY said Subud is a form of spirit possession. 
Whether it is an actual spirit-entity or an amorphic spirit energy, it is still 
a form of mind-body discordance that cedes control of the nervous system. That 
alone marked Subud as verboten to MMY. 
I heard him say so in one of my TTC's - maybe at Humboldt State U. in Arcata, 
Calif. during the summer of 1971 or perhaps Fiuggi in the spring of 1972. 
s3raphita offers, Re "a form of mind-body discordance that cedes control of the 
nervous system": Isn't that TM also? 

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 I can't help you but there are parallels between Subud and TM I suspect.  
 From Wiki: In the practice of the [Latihan] exercise, members are typically 
advised to follow 'what arises from within', not expecting anything in advance. 
One is recommended not to focus on any image or recite any mantra, nor to mix 
the exercise with other activities like meditation or use of drugs, but simply 
to intend to surrender to the Divine. During the exercise, practitioners may 
find that, in terms of physical and emotional expression, they involuntarily 
move, make sounds, walk around, dance, jump, skip, laugh, cry or whatever. The 
experience varies greatly for different people, but the practitioner is always 
wholly conscious throughout and free to stop the exercise at any time.

 So there's a similar focus on effortlessly going with the flow but whereas TM 
is purely "mental", Subud is "physical". It sounds to me that the two practices 
could complement each other.

 A word of warning: The method was later adopted by Osho (Bhagwan Shree 


---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Does anybody who was made an initiator remember what Maharishi said about the 
practice of *Subud*? All I can remember was that anyone seeking initiation who 
practiced it was to stop at least six months before we could initiate them.



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