---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

Of course it was Mike Dixon who brought it up 

Me: This Judy nitpick is such a classic. It reveals both humor impairment as 
well as an ability to completely miss the point of the writer. It is 
fascinating to see it in action on someone else where it is so clear.

 Looks like you're angling to take over the Master of Inadvertent Irony title, 
Curtis. You're so anxious to Get Judy that you completely missed *my* point.

 You caught Barry in an insignificant detail about a topic's posting history, 
who brought the topic up.

 Not at all insignificant. The Doug-bash Barry was intent on making wouldn't 
have been nearly as effective if Doug were seen to have only commented on the 
thread 10 posts in, rather than having initiated it as Barry claimed.

Me2: It was a joke about Buck being possessed. I know from experience nothing 
will dissuade you once you run down your own rabbit hole so I wont even try to 
untangle it.


 Did you take a little nap there, or what? I know it was a joke about Doug (not 
"Buck") being possessed. I went on to say precisely that.

 Of maybe you didn't really catch a "mistake", I am not going to dig through 
the posts to find out if Barry even said it this way.

 Right, Curtis, that dishonest Judy probably just made it up.

 Here's the beginning of the post:

 "I ask seriously, because of a couple of threads he's ranting on over on FFL. 
A few days ago he brought up the practice of Subud, asking if people had ever 
heard Maharishi ever talk about it."


 ("I ask seriously" refers to Barry's subject heading, "Is Doug Hamilton 

 It misses the point which is:


 No, Curtis, I know what Barry's point was. Ha ha, Doug is possessed (see the 
subject heading).

 Just FYI, getting the joke does not necessarily also involve thinking it's 
funny. By me, this one was pretty dumb; and I was making a very different point 
in any case.

Me2: Yes you clarified that Barry was wrong about Buck bringing it up and tried 
to shift the attention to that.


 Shift what attention? From what? My post was about Barry being wrong. There 
was nothing else to pay attention to (at least not here).

 Barry noticed that Doug was giving a positive spin on Subud


 It seemed to me that he was asking about the basis for the very negative spin 
the others were putting on it. But that isn't my point either.

 Basically, it's that Barry is losing it. He's so wrapped up in Doug-hatred, so 
obsessed with bashing Doug, that he misread "Mike Dixon" as "DHamilton." (Or he 
didn't but assumed he wouldn't get caught in the lie.)

Me2: And this from the person who brought FFL the apt and clever phrase: 
"inadvertent irony." He got a detail wrong  but the point of the joke had to do 
with what Buck wrote:

 The joke was dumb. It would have been even dumber had he not claimed Doug was 
the one who brought up Subud. The fact of that mistake (or lie) is more 
significant than the joke.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Described this way, “..wholly conscious throughout and free to stop” this part 
of Subud does not necessarily sound like spirit or entity possession but much 
more like the ashram community practices coming out of meditative quietism of 
the old Amana Colony lineage and in Shaker village ashram practices or on 
courses learning the TM-Siddhis. 
 “but simply to intend to surrender to the Divine. During the exercise, 
practitioners may find that, in terms of physical and emotional expression, 
they involuntarily move, make sounds, walk around, dance, jump, skip, laugh, 
cry or whatever. The experience varies greatly for different people, but the 
practitioner is always wholly conscious throughout and free to stop the 
exercise at any time.”  

Buck took a positive spin on the only spiritual practice I ever heard Maharishi 
mention as an impediment to TM practice. It IS pretty funny to me too. I was 
not aware of the thread till Buck commented on it either.

 Doug (not "Buck") said he hadn't heard Maharishi say anything about Subud. 
(Barry made fun of him for that, but then t3rinity chimed in that he hadn't 
heard anything either. Another Oooopsie! for Barry.)

As I said, what Doug wrote seems to me more like a call for more information, 
given that Wikipedia didn't say anything about its involving spirit possession.


 Barry is the primary source of all the upheaval relating to FFL; he's the main 
reason for the split-off to The Peak, and for Rick deciding moderation of FFL 
was necessary. That's a heavy set of consequences for which Barry is very 
largely responsible, and he knows it (though of course he'd never admit it). 
He's having a really tough time dealing with it. But one thing making it easier 
is that he can now lie freely about FFL, its moderator, and its TM supporters. 
It seems to me that's a fact of potential interest to FFLers.

Me2: I have people whose posts I don't read so I don't get this power he holds 
on you.

 What on earth does your DNR list have to do with anything?

 All this drama about having to create a new group because of him seems bogus 
to me. If you don't like someone, don't read them. If you decide to read them, 
then enjoy the ride you are creating by doing so.

 Oh, this is just prissy high-horse rubbish, Curtis. Go back to Feste's 
cocktail party analogy. FFL is like a very long-running cocktail party. When 
it's dominated by a person who gets his jollies from sadistically attacking 
people, it's not that easy to ignore. You yourself agreed with me that the 
whole "button-pushing" bit is basically a crock. For that matter, you've often 
become quite wroth when you've been attacked.

I enjoy our conversations even though we don't agree on much and I often feel 
misrepresented by you. I don't really get why you can't see that Barry provides 
you with your favorite writing prompts here no matter where he is posting.

 Barry does not provide me with my "favorite writing prompts" (what a 
pretentious phrase, "writing prompts"). I'd much rather write about other 
things (and did, when there was a pause in Barry's jihad against me). You don't 
provide them either, as it happens. It's a big bore to have to untangle your 
flim-flam. I vastly prefer discussions that are straightforward and conducted 
with integrity.


 YMMV, of course.


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