Dateline Saturday Night

 Live Report from the FFL-2 Inaugural Ball.
 As the FFL-2 moderator designated (1st) Lurking Reporter, I secured a 
difficult to obtain ticket to this exclusive event. 
 The hall is abuzz anticipating the arrival of FFL-2's power couple, 
turquoiseb, and sallysunshine.
 It appears they are going to fashionably late, as is the custom of power 
 But wait, there's something going on at the other end, and it looks, by 
george, as if the couple has arrived.
 He appears to be wearing, what I'd say from a distance is, an impeccable Tom 
Ford white tuxedo.  Maybe two sizes too small, or is it three, but all the 
hallmarks of Tom Ford tailoring.
 Now, if I'm not, I am not mistaken, turquoiseb is not 
wearing a bow tie, but seems to be pulling out a long Jerry Garcia tie and 
showing it around.  Let's see if we can pick up what he's saying.
 Turquoiseb: So I sez to Jerry, yea I'll wear your ties, and you know what 
cachet that will bring to the line.  Right now, i'z sporting one of the early 
ties Jerry made, most likely inspired by me.
 LR: Hold on folks, here she comes, and in what appears to be a stunning Oscar 
De la Renta knockoff, with a beautiful shawl.  She's taking off the shawl,and 
it looks like she's got a large "C" embroidered on the front.  Could 
that........, no, it couldn't. NO. IT. COULD. NOT. stand for what I think it 
stands for.  Here she comes, so let's ask.
 LR: Sallysunshine, what a beautiful dress.
 SS: (in between chewing and popping her gum loudly) Thank you. I sez to turqy, 
that's my pet name for him, how do you likes my dress. And he sez, "Darling I 
think i'd looks so much nicer with a big "C" in the front."  And I sez, "turqy 
why would that be", and then it dawns on me that it must mean "Cutey"  So, I 
hurried back to my seamstress and had her put it on.  She didn't seem to happy 
to do it, but I said, it'll mean so much to turqy.
 LR: Folks, I think we've heard enough for now.  Or maybe more than enough.  
I'll be here to keep you posted on any other goings on.  Until then, it's your 
lurking reporter, FFL-2 Moderator designated, Lurking Reporter, signing 
off.....for now.

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