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**************************************Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture 

expert's lecture

Global Good News    
24. 01. 2013

What is genetic modification and how does it affect our lives? 

In a recent indepth lecture Dr Peter Swan, an expert in Maharishi Vedic Organic 
Agriculture, emphasized the importance of understanding this topic, as well as 
learning about other, healthier alternatives. He began by explaining 
what genetic modification is. 

Please see Part I of this article: Expert in Maharishi Vedic Organic 
Agriculture describes dangers of genetically modified food, presents solutions 

Dr Swan is the creator of an acclaimed course on Maharishi Vedic Organic 
Agriculture that he has taught in many countries: 'Maharishi Vedic Science in 
Agriculture and Environment: Key to Personal Enlightenment, Global Affluence, 
and Sustainability'. 

To understand genetic modification, Dr Swan said, we must first 
understand what a gene is and the role it plays in a plant's life. He 
described inspecting a leaf with a microscope and first seeing its tiny 
cells. Looking inside the cell one sees the nucleus; within the nucleus 
one sees chromosomes. 

Each chromosome is made up of 
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), molecules encoded with genetic instructions
that are used in the development and functioning of living organisms. A
gene is a section, or piece, of the DNA that codes for a protein that 
produces ribonucleic acid (RNA)—and becomes a particular part of our 

>From this simple analysis we can see, Dr Swan said, the important role DNA 
>plays as basic building blocks for our body. 

Genetic modification, also called genetic engineering, is the process 
of extracting DNA from the cell of one organism and, using a 'gene gun',
firing it into the DNA of another organism. According to researchers, 
one of the dangers of the genetic modification process is that it is not
considered to be a precise science, and often combines different 
species that give rise to completely new organisms that have no 
evolutionary history.* 

Polls show that 90 per cent of Americans
want GM foods to be labeled. Although they want transparency, a 
'revolving door' phenomenon between the biotech industry and US 
governmental agencies responsible for food safety prevents this from 
developing. Senior people move back and forth working for the biotech 
industry and the federal government; former executives of Monsanto and 
other large chemical companies have been appointed to leadership 
positions in the very agencies that control the release of food safety 
studies and food policy. 

Although Monsanto, one of the largest
biotech companies in the world, has extensively tested the safety of 
glyphosate, the main ingredient in their product Roundup, of the 180 
different studies conducted over a period of time, results from 150 were
never published or subjected to peer review. Monsanto and Dow Chemical 
base their claims of glyphosate's safety on selected industry research 
and assessments by some regulators taking into account only industry 

Use of Monsanto's Roundup has led to the creation of 
over 350 'superweeds' covering millions of acres in the US, which are 
resistant even to very large applications of pesticides. Weeds treated 
with 16 times the normal concentration of Roundup could not be 
eliminated; yet although it has not proven useful, farmers continue to 
use the product. 

Chemical companies, including Dow, now offer 
farmers a new mixture of many different herbicides, including one 
(2,4-D) that was an ingredient in the defoliant Agent Orange in the Vietnam 

See recent related article from the Global Good News Positive Trends page: 
∙ US: Dow's controversial new GMO corn delayed amid protests 

Global Good News will continue to feature Dr Swan's lecture, in which 
he went on to discuss research findings of detrimental side-effects of 
genetically modified organisms. 

* More information on many of 
the issues referred to by Dr Swan in his lecture, including analysis of 
scientific research conducted by both industry and independent 
researchers, as well as regulatory aspects, may be found on the website 
of the British science organization 

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