Here's a question for any mystics out there; if consciousness is the unified 
field, how does it create unconscious thought processes that then become 

 In a new paper published
 in the journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences, a group of researchers led by 
associate professor of psychology Ezequiel Morsella of San Francisco State 
University, took on the somewhat narrower question of exactly what 
consciousness is—and came up with a decidedly bleaker view: It’s pretty much 
nothing at all. Never mind the five characters from the movie Inside Out 
controlling your thoughts, you barely control them. 

 “The information we perceive in our consciousness is not created by conscious 
thought,” Morsella said in a statement accompanying the release of the paper. 
“Nor is it reacted to by conscious processes. Consciousness is the middle-man 
and it doesn’t do as much work as you think.”
 The conscious you, in effect, is like a not terribly bright CEO, whose 
subordinates do all of the research, draft all of the documents, then lay them 
out and say, “Sign here, sir.” The CEO does—and takes the credit.

 We are, like it or not, biological machines, and the simpler we keep things, 
the less chance there is for a mistake or a breakdown. The mind, as the most 
complex part of us, needs the streamlining more than anything else. None of 
this changes the fact that our brains are the seat of our greatest 
achievements—our poetry, our inventions, our compassion, our art. It’s just 
that it’s the unconscious rather than the conscious that should take the bow. 



 Why You're Pretty Much Unconscious Most of the Time 
 Why You're Pretty Much Unconscious Most of the Time A surprising new 
paper argues that consciousness is just a bit player in the human brain
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