I think John was the only direct disciple that wasn't put to death for following Jesus. Even Thomas was killed in India. From: "jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:05 PM Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Sh'mita 2015! Bhairitu, The answer to that question can be seen in the actions of the disciples of Jesus after he died. If Jesus was fictitious, the story would have ended after his death. But the disciples continued to preach the message in spite of persecutions from the Jews and Romans. It would stand to reason that Jesus existed in Palestine at the time of Herod and Pontius Pilate and had a profound effect on the people he knew. The message was compelling enough to create Christian followers of over a billion people today.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote : I think that the Bible is nothing but acollection of morality tales spread by tradesmen down throughtime. I liked the Salon article about whether Jesus was real ornot that was posted the other day. I've been tracking that foryears. On 08/13/2015 11:02 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...[FairfieldLife] wrote: I don't knowanything about Alex Jones. Hepa7 had posted the linkto his show in which Johnathan Cahn was interviewedabout the Shmita, which I had brought up in an earlierpost.< Johnathan Cahn, Michael Brown and otherMessianic Jews are explaining Christianity from a*fulfilled* Judaism point of view, where as,traditional Christianity has almost always beenheavily influenced by Roman/ Babylonian Solar paganismand most of us never knew it or at least to the extentit is. My own intuition is telling me that this is thefuture of the church. Jews will be it's leaders andreturn it to the Messiah's original teaching. If He isreturning for His bride, she must be ready. As it isnow, the church is more like the whore of Babylondrunken with power and riding the Beast. From:"Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> To:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com Sent:Thursday, August 13, 2015 11:13 AM Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife] Sh'mita 2015! Idon't know about Jonathan Cahn but AlexJones is quite entertaining. I can'tstand to listen to FOX News any longerthan few minutes and the same for rightwing talk hosts like Limbaugh andHannity. Jones is all over the mappolitically. He is the product of aliberal Austin family. Though he likesto cater to the Jesus freaks who buy alot of survival products and shotgunsupplements, he's even spouted someMaharishisms regarding consciousnessmaking me think that his trendy parentsback in the 1970s learned TM (or maybeeven taught it) and little Alex got awalking mantra. I certainly don't agree with Jone'sviews on Planned Parenthood and thelatest rant of "baby parts." I'm allfor choice in the matter. But Jones hasa wide array of guests among them formerMinnesota governor Jesse Ventura whoindicated he liked Bernie Sander'scampaign. Or Mike Judge, the creator"Beavis and Butthead", the movie "OfficeSpace" and the cult favorite"Idiocracy." Judge even made a promofor Infowars using his "Hank Hill"character's voice from his TV series"King of the Hing." Bill Maher hates 9/11 Truthers but oneof his favorite guests is liberal actorRichard Belzer ("Law and Order". AndBelzer is also a frequent guest and fanof Alex Jones. In fact in a Skypedinterview a couple years ago a visitorat Belzer's house popped into the camerato say hello, Christopher Walken. Jones has also appeared in two RichardLinklater movies "Waking Life" and "AScanner Darkly". Infowars is basically what we used tocall "investigative journalism",something long gone from mainstreammedia. Try to do that nowadays onmainstream media and you will get ameeting with the "powers at be" as PhilDonahue and Jesse Ventura learned. GregPalast is a modern day investigativejournalist and yes a frequent guest onInfowars. Remember when Jack Andersonused to stir up the powers at be? Sadly we have a new crop of "liberals". They are "liberal" in name only. I usedto like to read Raw Story but more andmore it has been catering to theseconfused pseudo- liberals. I used tolisten to Thom Hartmann, but after hemoved from Portland, Oregon toWashington, DC he seemed to become morea mouthpiece for the DNC. I still readand comment occasionally on his messageboard. On 08/12/2015 08:05 PM, geezerfreak@...[FairfieldLife] wrote: JonathanCahn and Alex Jones: a confederacyof dunces if there ever was one.How anyone with functioning braincells can take a word either ofthem say seriously is baffling.Sure, I got hoodwinked by a guruwhen I was young. But I learnedfrom the experience, learned howincredibly easily people can bemanipulated. Just as Maheshappealed to our young egos bymaking us believe we were reallyin on saving the world, theseidiots like Cahn get rabidfollowers by appealing to the sameego need to be right there/rightnow during the biblical end times. Michelle Bachman is practicallyin ecstasy over the whole thing. MicheleBachmann’s creepy End Timesfantasies: Why the religiousright yearns for World War III | | | | | | MicheleBachmann’screepy End Timesfantasies: Whyt... "Theprophets longed tolive in this daythat you and I areprivileged to livein," Bachmannsaid. (Welp!) | | | View on www.salon.com | Preview by Yahoo | | | >Interesting22 minutes but on otheryoutube videos Cahn goesinto much >greaterdetail. Maharishi saidHayum Dukham Anagatum,avoid the sufferingbefore >it comes.Inregards to prophecy,Christ said "I tell youthese things, so >thatwhen they happen, you*might* believe." From: "hepa7@...[FairfieldLife]"<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com Sent: Wednesday,August 12, 20155:42 PM Subject: [FairfieldLife]Sh'mita 2015! BibleCode PredictsEconomicCollapse in2015 | | | | | | BibleCode PredictsEconomicCollapse in2015 Bloodmoons andeclipses aresensational,but have youheard aboutthe 'SuperShemitah'?Best-sellingauthorJonathan Cahnexplains TheMystery of... | | | View on youtu.be | Preview byYahoo | | | | | | | | | BibleCode PredictsEconomicCollapse in2015Bloodmoons andeclipses aresensational,but have youheard aboutthe 'SuperShemitah'?Best-sellingauthorJonathan Cahnexplains TheMystery of... | | | Viewon youtu.be | Previewby Yahoo | | | #yiv5070400545 #yiv5070400545 -- #yiv5070400545ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv5070400545 #yiv5070400545ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv5070400545 #yiv5070400545ygrp-mkp #yiv5070400545hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv5070400545 #yiv5070400545ygrp-mkp #yiv5070400545ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv5070400545 #yiv5070400545ygrp-mkp .yiv5070400545ad {padding:0 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