On Dec 6, 2005, at 11:16 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

True enough.  Powerlessness over (fill in the blank) is one helluva 

foundation to start from.  But, I always liked the clarification 

that the Serenity (Senility?) Prayer gave:  God, Grant me the 

serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change 

the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  In 

the "yoga" of the 12 steps the Serenity Prayer is really a prayer 

about developing the mind's/spirit's discriminating abilities.  One 

maybe powerless over the behavior of another (an alcoholic parent, 

spouse, etc.), but one CAN choose to not spend time, etc. with the 

person, breaking the cycle of endless suffering because the 

codependent is playing God thinking they can affect the other's 


Also, the alcoholic or drug addict etc. may not be able to give up 

their addiction forever, but they can give it up for 1 hour or 1 day 

at a time.

I think TB's are expecting too much from just Transcending and not 

putting enough energy into the activity phase.  12 steps kind of 

balances out my meditation practice by getting me off my ass to work 

at doing service, cleaning up my messes, finding ways to know myself 

better so that I know others better.  It's part of my sadhana as 

much as TM and aerobics are.  And I hate 12 step and fitness TB'ers 

as much as I hate TM TB'ers.

It would be interesting to see what kind of results you would get from recovering 12-step people undergoing intense purification practice like is undergone by tantric yogis. For fellow practitioners I've known for years who did this practice, they seem like different people, the difference is that palpable. They seem kinder, gentler, like the rough edges are gone. And they just put out a different vibe than they did before.

At the same time it would be helpful, IMO, to engage in a spiritual practice which conveyed through direct experience that the personality is not a real thing. It's just an illusion. Once the grasping to that false image stops, the person inevitably and just naturally softens and changes.

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