I think it's long been an open secret that Prince William rather than Prince 
Charles will succeed to the throne. I don't think Charles wants to be king, and 
it would be much more exciting for everyone involved to have a younger man. 
Charles is already 67 or 68, I believe. But the queen will not "retire." Queen 
of England is not a position that you can retire from. No one except Edward 
VIII in 1936 has done it—and for an American divorcee, of all people! 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 She looks fairly healthy for a woman in her 90s.  She could outlive Prince 
Charles with her longevity and deny him the kingship.  And would Prince William 
get the crown instead if she decides to retire?


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