Yeah, I was awakened by a funny noise around 2:30 AM. I thought someone or a gang of squirrels were rummaging around outside my window. Then the sound increased and I realized it was something I hadn't heard in awhile: rain.

On 09/13/2015 09:30 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Did you notice that today is the day of the Shemitah? Perhaps, MD is getting anxious what the day will bring and perhaps how the stock market will perform tomorrow.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Hey Mike, is your Enter key broken or have you caught something from Rob Carlson. This is a "wall of words". You don't normally do this.

On 09/13/2015 07:59 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... <mailto:mdixon.6569@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    Would you care to explain what launching ten times the drone
    strikes has accomplished? Al Qaeda and ISIS is all over the
    middle- east and Africa now in greater numbers than ever before,
    causing more war, terror and destruction than ever. I just saw in
    The Daily Mail ,an article saying that ISIS promised a refugee
    situation of 500,000 in which they would use to infiltrate their
    people into Europe and the States. Mission accomplished! Many of
    these refugees are not just Syrian but also Lybian, you know, the
    ones that were *upset* about an internet video and killed the
    ambassador in Libya on 9/11, a few years ago while Obama and
    Hillary were in a gun- running operation with Syria. Killed Ben
    Laden, oh c'mon, the CIA had been on his trail for years, found
    him, and the SEALS killed him. All Obama did was sign off on the
    op and take the credit. Had he not, what do you think public
    reaction would have been when it was discovered that he failed to
    do so? Bill Clinton took an enormous amount of heat for not taking
    Ben Laden after Sudan offered him up after the bombings in Kenya
    and Tanzania long before 9/11.  Instead of playing golf? Please!
    That's all he does!  Obama disarms Europe of a missile defense
    shield, Putin invades Georgia and Ukraine and is building bases in
    Syria while selling missile defense systems to Iran so they can't
    be attacked while building their nuclear war heads and
    Intercontinental missile systems. Putin has absolutely no respect
    or fear of Obama or his *power*. Nice re-set eh?Meanwhile, China
    seizes islands from the Philippines and Vietnam. Yeah, we are a
    poorer nation, 1 trillion dollar deficits every year since he has
    been in office and nothing to show for it. The highest deficit
    Bush ran was 500 billion once, the others averaging about 250
    billion or less a year, prior to the 1 time bail out of 700 billi!
    on. Obama has taken our national debt from less than 12 trillion
    to over 18 trillion. One president increasing the national debt by
    over 50% over all presidents before him.... combined! Reagan left
    office with the strongest economy in the world, at the time, and
    the most powerful military ever seen, peace and the Soviet Union
    disintegrating, communism retreating, and the Berlin wall and Iron
    curtain about to collapse.  Obama will leave the world stage on
    the verge of Armageddon, if it doesn't happen before then.

    *From:* "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]"
    <> <>
    *Sent:* Sunday, September 13, 2015 5:32 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

    Obama has launched ten times as many drone strikes as his
    predecessor did. He also found and killed Bin Laden, instead of
    playing golf. This story that he is a wimp has no basis. Reagan
    sold arms to our enemy, Iran, while lying to us about not
    negotiating with terrorists. There's your wimp, and hypocrite. I
    would be OK with another leader who didn't think starting a war
    was the only way to show US might. We are a poorer and less safe
    country due to the actions of the Bush clan, and I don't want
    anyone like that (or Reagan) in office again. Trump has zero
    chance, btw.

    <>, <mdixon.6569@...>
    <mailto:mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

    I'm not sure he's the guy but we certainly need a tough negotiator
    after 8 years of a wuss bowing and scraping and begging the world
    to forgive us. We've seen how that works. As I remember, Democrats
    almost guaranteed that Reagan would start WW3 but ended up with a
    nuclear treaty that reduced the threat and brought about the
    demise of the USSR. He also saw the release of the hostages in
    Iran. If you'll recall he told Iran that the moment he took
    office, it would be like day 1 of the hostage situation all over
    again. They didn't want to FWH.
    *From:* "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]"
    <mailto:jr_esq@...[FairfieldLife]> <>
    *Sent:* Saturday, September 12, 2015 3:54 PM
    *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Fiorina Fights Back

    Trump has started a firestorm this time by insulting Carly
    Fiorina's face.  IMO, if he's in the White House, he'll only cause
    riots and wars for the country. As we have discussed about his
    jyotish chart,  this tendency is due to the conjunction of Rahu
    and the Sun in the 10th house.  Is this what Americans want?

    Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heats up before
    GOP debate: 'Ladies, look at this face'


    Carly Fiorina fires back at Donald Trump as feud heat...

    Carly Fiorina speaks at JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in
    Phoenix on Friday. Rather than sidestep the putdown, the former
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