This might be helpful for your discussion, 

 “The straightest way to spiritual evolution and advanced states of 
consciousness is via the field of consciousness itself, which is the nonlinear 
Radiance of Divine Energy that is the substrate of all that exists.  The 
condition of Enlightenment is the state of pure Radiance that shines forth as 
the Presence/Self.  The Self is the essence of spiritual existence and Reality 
as subjectively Known by virtue of effulgent Identity.
 The Radiance and Effulgence of the nonlinear Self are autonomous, consequent 
to relinquishment of the linear/ego positionalities and emotions that preclude 
their realization.  The phenomenon of Enlightenment is thus analogous to the 
shining forth of the sun when the clouds have been removed.  …The personal 
self, therefore, does not become enlightened but instead falls away and is 
replaced by the previously obscured Reality of the Self as the Radiance of God 
Immanent.  This is in contrast to linear concepts and beliefs about God as 
being primarily only transcendent and therefore ‘elsewhere’ in time and 
 -Discovery of the Presence of God, -David R Hawkins, 2006

---In, <> wrote :

 If "we is all one" then why isn't there confusion of memories and identities 
between all these "apparent" individuals?  

 That's the million-dollar question. As memories belong to our lower self they 
are localised to each individual brain/body. 

This is your reasoned response to the question about memories and identity? 
They are just inhabitants of our "lower self"? 

This just iterates your previous schizoid claim ... a sort of "My lower self 
did it". 

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