Thy soul, be on thy guard;
 Ten thousand foes arise;
 The hosts of sin are pressing hard
 To draw thee from the skies.
 Om watch, and fight and pray;
 The battle ne’er give o’er;
 Renew it boldly ev’ry day,
 And help divine implore.

 Ne’er think the vict’ry won,
 Nor lay thine armor down;
 Thy arduous work will not be done
 Till thou obtain the crown.
 Fight on, thy soul, till death
 Shall bring thee to thy God;
 It’ll take thee, at thy parting breath,
 To Its divine abode.
And OM for the good fortune of great communal upbringing in family, peers and 
---In, <> wrote :

 Does behavior have much of anything to do with enlightenment. Well,there is 
Jesus throwing chairs and tables around the temple. Our own Prime Minister of 
the Global Country apparently has bad anger and temper management problems. 
Steve Jobs? Is there a place for psychological counseling even for the 

 Steve Jobs?


---In, <> wrote :



 Re "How many selves do you have? My angel side, my demon side? My spiritual 
side, my worldly side?"

 :Higher vs Lower?
How many selves do you have?
What About This Side And That Side?
My angel side, my demon side?
My spiritual side, my worldly side?

They call this scitzoidiz fragmentation. 

 How many selves? One! 

 Each of us is that One Self. It's the identical One Self that is incarnating 
right now as emptybill and S3raph and every other sentient being - including 
the lost cat that is meowing outside my house now as I type. It is therefore 
pointless for me to dispute with you as I would be trying to persuade myself to 
change my own opinion! If I was sitting where emptybill is sitting (which 
indeed "I" am) I would have an identical take on life as he does - the "take" 
with which I (my lower self) does not agree.

 The One Self is the Witness - completely empty (but you knew that!) and 
without qualities. This is basic Advaita.

 The simultaneous presence of different "selves" (all those "lower" selves) 
within each of us is amusing. A man can face a frightening, traumatic situation 
- say a drunk throwing a punch at him - and experience the appropriate feelings 
of fear and panic while at the same moment another part of himself can be 
thinking coldly and objectively: "That was an impressive jab. Not bad. Not bad 
at all".

 "Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I 
contain multitudes."
 (Walt Whitman)


 I like this post, quite bit. The self that is reading it likes it, the self 
that is drinking some excellent organic Earl Grey from Silk Road tea shop is 
liking it and even the self that is thinking about what I have to do today 
thought it was pretty good too.


Each of us is that One Self.

Oh ... I get it. The great shruti of the Brahmarishi-s. 
"Us is One". No wonder you need to claim an Emerson quote.
Damn yanks were always confused but it must make perfect sense across the pond 
in the local parish.

If "us is one" then when my current thought "I am Emptybill" suddenly ends, as 
all thoughts do, why isn't my next thought "I am Bhari2"? And then my next 
thought ... "I am Willy the Moron or "Us Chanuchistani's need to stick 

If "we is all one" then why isn't there confusion of memories and identities 
between all these "apparent" individuals? 


No wonder you need to claim an Emerson quote. Damn yanks were always confused 
but it must make perfect sense across the pond in the local parish.


 The quote was from Walt Whitman. But Emerson could have supplied a choice 
sentence. As could Thoreau or William James or Emily Dickinson. All Yanks and 
making perfect sense. 

If "we is all one" then why isn't there confusion of memories and identities 
between all these "apparent" individuals? 

 That's the million-dollar question.

 Sometimes the wires do get crossed and there is just such a confusion - as 
when individuals claim to suddenly experience a previous life - as Barry has so 
claimed on FFL. Why should it be a previous life of Barry's and not the life 
experience of another man entirely as seen by The One, the transcendental self 
which is witnessing everything?

 As memories belong to our lower self they are localised to each individual 
brain/body. Normally each of us is locked into our own apparent and separate 
personalities. If we weren't the game of life would be a cacophony that would 
leave everyone paralysed so the seeming separation has a survival benefit. And 
this way we can love and hate each other. Exciting huh?

 If true. I suspect there's a rather easier way of explaining it. How about 
this "transcendental self" not actually existing and the reason we think it 
does is because we can occasionally attain states of mind where our normal 
cognitive apparatus is changed so that what we usually see as background space 
becomes all we see thus giving rise to the idea that this transcendental 
vastness is ever present but we don't normally see it? After all, the only 
evidence we have is down to experiences gained via drugs or meditation, it is 
thus very interpretation dependent - we have a good trip and look around for 
explanations, so far the only ones we really have are all of the "cosmic" 
variety, I'm expecting something that fits in with our knowledge of 
evolutionary processes.

 It's not as much fun granted, but a proper science of mind is going to have to 
take into account all experiences we can possibly have and the breaking up of 
normal functioning in meditation is going to be rather revealing as it's a 
quiet systematic process, I'm sure the correlation between areas of the brain 
are going to change at each claimed "level" of consciousness.

 Apart from the lack of something to re-incarnate, my main objection is an 
evolutionary one; if we could remember past lives it would be so amazingly 
useful we'd use the skill all the time, but we can't. That makes me suspect 
that all claimed experiences of such or flashes of other lives however gained 
are something else entirely.

 I convert for evidence.


---In, <> wrote :

 This might be helpful for your discussion, 

 “The straightest way to spiritual evolution and advanced states of 
consciousness is via the field of consciousness itself, which is the nonlinear 
Radiance of Divine Energy that is the substrate of all that exists.  The 
condition of Enlightenment is the state of pure Radiance that shines forth as 
the Presence/Self.  The Self is the essence of spiritual existence and Reality 
as subjectively Known by virtue of effulgent Identity.
 The Radiance and Effulgence of the nonlinear Self are autonomous, consequent 
to relinquishment of the linear/ego positionalities and emotions that preclude 
their realization.  The phenomenon of Enlightenment is thus analogous to the 
shining forth of the sun when the clouds have been removed.  …The personal 
self, therefore, does not become enlightened but instead falls away and is 
replaced by the previously obscured Reality of the Self as the Radiance of God 
Immanent.  This is in contrast to linear concepts and beliefs about God as 
being primarily only transcendent and therefore ‘elsewhere’ in time and 
 -Discovery of the Presence of God, -David R Hawkins, 2006

---In, <> wrote :

 If "we is all one" then why isn't there confusion of memories and identities 
between all these "apparent" individuals?  

 That's the million-dollar question. As memories belong to our lower self they 
are localised to each individual brain/body. 

This is your reasoned response to the question about memories and identity? 
They are just inhabitants of our "lower self"? 

This just iterates your previous schizoid claim ... a sort of "My lower self 
did it". 
 Dear S3, in my experience what you wrote before here was really fine and true 
in experience. Empty here in a kind of sophistry of baiting is just trying to 
have you chase your own tail for us to watch. Stick with your own spiritual 
experience on this. It is fine.  Others may weep. 


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