Actually, I am almost physically incapable of waiting in line (or queuing, as 
you English say). It drives me insane. The problem at grocery stories is 
usually coupons. I hate coupons and think they should be banned. You just never 
know when some innocent-looking person ahead of you is going to pull out a 
fistful of 'em when they get to the checkout.  

It was this article in WashPo that set me off:
What really drives you crazy about waiting in line (it actually isn’t the wait 
at all)
 What really drives you crazy about waiting in line (it a...
 The time that people spend waiting in line, and how they feel when they do so, 
is a big deal for average people and the economy.
 View on www.washingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 Re queuing and counterintuitive thinking: did you intend the pun? 

 Danish researchers have recently made a shocking suggestion - that queuing on 
the basis of last-come-first-served may sometimes be more efficient.

 Under the first-come-first-served system airline passengers arrive early and 
wait in line to get on to the plane because those who are first in line get the 
seat they want. 

 But the researchers experimented with different queuing systems, and when they 
told volunteer queuers that people would be selected from the queue and served 
at random, the average wait was reduced. 

 The best system, however, turned out to be last-in-first-out - or to put it 
another way, last-come-first-served - with the person who arrives last getting 
served first.



---In, <> wrote :

 ---In, <upfronter@...> wrote :
 Ah yes, while the meditation brings inner rewards beyond description, I find 
that the material world hardly ever gives me the 200% ideal, perhaps my inner 
being and my physical mind have very different ideas of what's good for me...
 I even join the longer checkout queue sometimes as it seems to reduce quicker 
when I'm in the shorter queue!

Counterintuitive thinking is definitely the sign of a superior being. 




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