On 11/29/2015 01:43 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

Yeah... the whole coupon thing at the check out stand drives me nuts especially when there is a problem with the coupon and a long discussion ensues and the manager is paged for. Meanwhile, my 1/2 gallon of Organic Vanilla Ice Cream is melting on the belt.

I also go crazy with the folks who still write checks and don't begin filling in the details until they get the total. Only then it comes out of the purse, etc., and the person starts to log the entry in the checkbook and then fill out the check. Argggggggggg!

Checks? Who uses those anymore? I know what you're talking about but actually I never buy enough stuff to use a checker unless they aren't busy. I use the automated checkout instead. The worst problem then is when there is a problem and the attendant for the automated check has wandered off somewhere.

At one store you are supposed to put your bag in the bagging area then press the done button. Then it tells you "wait a minute while we check your bag." For some reason most of the time it thinks my bag, provided free by the city for their no plastic bag law, is not a bag. I wind up yelling at the attendant "it's a bag" (as they can easily see). I don't know who programmed the thing, probably some fresh out of college 23 year old from Bangalore (where they probably don't have such technology in their stores).

I also have no patience for the same type of person (as in I'm the only person in the world and my actions don't affect others attitude) who is at the coffee and condiments self serve counter. They insist in adding their condiments and judiciously stirring it while block acess to the the coffee pump. It drags on as they then decide they need a heat sleeve and a lid (whose size is never correctly chosen the first time) They don't pull to the side to engage in the gastronomic preparatory machinations while letting the rest of us get on with our lives. I drink it black so I am in and out of there in the time it takes a gnat to fart.

This one I get too. At Starbucks I call this area "the staging area" as the customer has already gotten their drink. I drink mine black too but they are often positioned right in front of the napkin dispenser. You feel that if you reach in to grab a napkin they'll bite your head off because they haven't had their coffee yet. For a brief time another local Starbucks put a napkin dispenser right where you pick up your drink. I thought they wised up but the manager told me it was because they had an extra dispenser. And the other place downtown is supposed to have two dispensers in the "staging area" but one broke and they've never replaced it.

I should switch to decaf, I know.

Depends. You like me and probably a lot of Americans are pitta primary. That's why we are a bit impatient. But then some of us are kapha secondary so even my MD/Ayurvedic physician said my habit of an Americano espresso each day is not a bad idea in the morning. It cuts that kapha. But I mellow out these days with some pitta balancing herbs and even asked David Frawley once why drinking these herbs in winter helped. He told me pitta was probably blocking kapha (resulting in indigestion). I also have a theory that genetically I react to cold winter weather by heating up.... too much so pitta has to be tempered even in winter.

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