---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Dear Dear Older Meditators gone away,
 As things are happening inside at this very moment in time
 this is important feedback you are giving here. This is critical.
 It is read.
 For some there is
 The New Construct,
 The spiritual practice of
 Securing Safety in
 Meditation, Polyvagal Theory, and Peace within the TM movement.

 As one reporter living in the TM cortex that is close around to the vortex of 
Global things here, one can see now that some few of you are not even close to 
seeing the inner urge for spirituality that is at work here as the polyvagal 
connection of head and heart on ground zero here, like those of us who live and 
show up for meditations and meetings here in Fairfield, Iowa can see it. 
However to carry things through here we need your input at the least as support 
for changes that are happening right now.
 From the tapo bhoomi, the land of meditation, of Fairfield, Iowa, - JaiGuruYou 

 I think those in FF practicing their meditation and resolutely tromping off to 
the domes each day morning and evening is great for them. It is, apparently in 
their minds, making a difference if only just in how they personally feel. 
Their intentions are good, and they believe that what they are doing is 
benefiting, if no one else, at least themselves. But when I read the airy fairy 
messages telling us this and that about Brahman and cosmic softness settling 
into our physiologies and brains and the exhortations of the heavenly hosts are 
raining down on the cornfields of Iowa as a result of this tromping to the 
domes or doing a simple meditation technique then you have to take pause. 

 Everyone just needs to step back, take it easy and drop the theatrics. Fact: 
an Eastern monk came to the West 50 years ago and brought with him a meditation 
technique. Many found him and his technique life changing. Some still practice 
TM and others believe it beneficial for those suffering life traumas or who 
live in stressful places (inner city school children, for example). 

 In addition, as with all charismatic people or with a widely-practiced or 
endorsed product, you suddenly find there is a movement and a slew of people 
who glom on and start creating other byproducts that are not necessarily 
consistent with how and with what initial intent something started out. From 
this come egos, power trips, power struggles, hierarchies, big business and, in 
most cases, corruption. With money comes greed and those who believe that they 
have rights to wealth or influence that they do not have rights to. Then come 
the aberrational things, the offshoots that range from other products or other 
services that were never part of the original plan, the purer form of the 
initial teaching. Suddenly there are Peace Palaces, yagyas, invincibility 
villages and god knows what else (I'm out of the loop, as you can tell).

 I left long before yagyas, investment schemes and Ayurveda came on the scene. 
The strangest it got was the siddhis and even they were tolerable. I was never 
asked to invest in anything except my mantra, the siddhis and my MIU education 
all of which served me well. I was never on any bandwagon, I became a persona 
non grata which was inevitable given my prickly abhorrence of rules and mood 
making so that was that. 

 For the casual onlooker the architecture, the claims, the language and format 
of the overblown media presentations is just plain weird. Rajas and men in 
suits and women in saris not to mention the treacley ads, the boring talking 
head videos or the publications dripping in blue and gold are terrible, an 
anachronism or just plain indications of bad taste, lousy marketing.

 I'm rambling here, but you get the gist.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 This kind of crap is incredibly embarrassing. Pretty much why you'll never see 
me near a TM center. If you can't convince someone with logic,  then baffle 
them with bullshit.


 TM is 30 years ago for me. Seeing this kind of thing is amusing but nothing 
more than that. Even when I was at MIU and doing all the stuff with the most 
serious one pointedness I could muster, I still refused to do, for example, the 
meditation break for 10 minutes that was required in the middle of class. I 
remember telling Michael Caine that I wanted to continue to work and that 
stopping everything to close my eyes for 10 minutes was unnecessary and I 
wouldn't participate. What a little shit I was. Michael was such a nice guy he 
let me do what I wanted but I was a failure at following rules. I recall going 
to Torino's Pizza on the square and having a few beers (horrors) with some 
fellow students who didn't imbibe. I probably only did this as an attempt at 
some half-ass rebellious act since I don't even like beer. I just wasn't cut 
out to be an initiator, governor or participant in (you've got to be kidding) 
Mother Divine. Although I find saris are gorgeous to look at and the silk is 
scrumptious, seeing a Western woman wearing one seems totally ridiculous - 
especially within the context of somehow adopting this Eastern mystical ersatz 
dress-up game in an attempt to appear spiritual. 

 However, I do kind of empathize with those who remain as the fossilized 
remnants of the old guard in their attempts to convince us with their sugary 
language that all is well and good in the land of natural law and the Veda as 
it thrives in Iowa. I mean, it's kind of pathetic but I respect their desire to 
make the world a better place and I believe their optimism to be rather quaint 
in a world where all hell is breaking loose. Still, their is goodness, beauty 
and mystery that surrounds us - I just don't think it is contained in the 
things TM is so fond of promoting.


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 7:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Message from Dr. Bevan Morris
   ..." the settling of infinite softness and tenderness onto the physiology 
and personality; breathing from the level of Brahm itself; flying together on 
one unified wave of silence, awakening to the brilliance of all the Laws of 
Nature, calmness, evenness, and deep peace. It is like the exhortations of the 
Veda and Vedic Literature have become fully alive in Iowa through Maharishi's 
technologies of consciousness, especially Group Dynamics of Consciousness!" 


 Anyone want to make MJ throw up? Just post this over at FFL2. Even I had a gag 
reflex on this one...



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