It's called *trying to solve the problem on the level of the problem*.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 7:36 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM Originalists v Progressive Practitioners, 
The TM Movement Community
    'Originalism', this becomes a useful critique for distinguishing the 
religious faith-and-belief-in-Maharishi conservative TM ideologic zealotry of 
strict preservation on the one hand from progressive practitioner elements on 
the other hand who in experience would like to see things evolve and work out 
well for the TM movement.

---In, <> wrote :

If it's *extremely trying inside the movement" why be bothered? That's why i 
keep my distance from the TMO. That way,I don't stress them out and they don't 
stress me out. Why swim in their mess?

---In, <> wrote :

Why?  Well, on a purely practical level I live here and a lot of my friends 
live here.  I have family that lives here now and we are all affected by how 
they behave up there.  -JaiGuruYou 
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 7:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM Originalists v Progressive Practitioners, The 
TM Movement Community
 I am on my way to a working meeting on campus right now about the movement but 
this division over ‘originalism’ is a communal rub and scrap in harnessing 
actionable change in cultural things that have evolved within the TM movement 
community.  It is extremely trying inside the movement right now.   

---In, <> wrote :

On considering uncompromising and Strict Originalism, like with some strict TM 
preservationists:“..a static interpretation of the law that doesn't move with 
the times, doesn't move with the society.”  “He (Scalia) was its most fierce 
proponent I guess I would say, but that didn't mean that he prevailed. Not 
everybody on the court agreed with him, including many of the conservatives on 
some issues. And so while he was its principal proponent and theoretician, he 
didn't win a great deal of the time because he was not a consensus-builder. 
Other people were more willing to compromise than he was. He would have called 
that "faux-conservatism."”

"The Constitution that I interpret and apply is not living but dead, or as I 
prefer to call it, enduring. It means today not what current society, much less 
the court, thinks it ought to mean, but what it meant when it was adopted."  
-Antonin Scalia

Originalism: A Primer On Scalia's Constitutional Philosophy
|  |
|  |     |  |     Originalism: A Primer On Scalia's Constitutional Phi... NPR's 
Nina Totenberg explains how the idea that the Constitution is "not living but 
dead" transformed the Supreme Court during Antonin Scalia's te... |  |
|     View on    |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


---In, <> wrote :

“Originalism,as defined by Justice Scalia and others, is that what is in 
theConstitution literally is what the founding fathers meant.”
ConservativeTM Maharishi Originalism: That Maharishi set it up the way he did 
asan enlightened soul and teacher, that he knew what he was doing, andit needs 
to stay that way.

---In, <> wrote :

'Originalism',this becomes a useful critique for distinguishing the 
religiousfaith-and-belief-in- Maharishi conservative TM ideologic zealotry 
onthe one hand from progressive practitioner elements on the other hand who in 
experiencewould like to see things evolve and work out well for the TMmovement.
“Andthere's no such thing as an evolution of ideas and an evolution ofsociety. 
..He (Scalia) wouldn't buy that, ..He believed the same thing ininterpretation 
of statutes (TM Movement admin policy, guidelines, andinstruction), that the 
words (originalist) on the page are all thatcounts. That legislative history, 
that constitutional history, theydon't count much if at all. What matters is 
the intent at the time.To put it most bluntly, "I mean what I say and not any 
more orany less." 

---In, <> wrote :

Standing like ConstitutionalOriginal-ists, the faith-in-Maharishi religionist 
TM'ers inside TM atthe top for decades have contended and winnowed things 
downfundamentally in their own minds that, “Fairfield is for those whohave 
'faith and belief' in Maharishi and everyone else should leaveus alone”.
That wish, that people without'faith-and-belief' should leave, would have to be 
taken apart andlooked at to see how it has actually gone down. A lot of 
meditatorshave come and left and some lot of meditators have stayed on fortheir 
own good reasons. Clearly the Dome group meditation numbers are really tiny.  
Donations to the University and undergraduate enrollment tight.  Has Bevan 
gotten his wish? That those who do not have'faith-and-belief in Maharishi', 
“..should leave and leave usalone”?

 “Becareful what you wish for in this world, for if you wish hard enoughyou are 
sure to get it. I once heard a very wise many say this, andthe longer I live 
the more firmly I believe it to be true.”TheAtlantic monthly,Volume 67. 

---In, <> wrote :

In zeal as 'Original-ists' having stoodin way of progressive elements also in 
the TM movement community thisis a lot like Scalia's camp has been on the 
Supreme Court inrestraining and obstructing societal evolution.The difference 
evidently is that thoughthere are a lot of opinions and feelings about how it 
should go forTM and many have their many firm 'Maharishi-saids', there 
evidentlyis not 'written' preamble, constitution guiding or bylaws governing TM 
thatpeople easily share.
Everyone seems to have their own listsof 'Maharishi-Saids' to stand on 
“..Andhe continued to be its (Originalism's) foremost exponent. From beinga 
sort of a fringe movement 30 or 40 years ago, it is now majorleague, perhaps 
the dominant philosophy — or was a dominantphilosophy with his vote — on the 
Supreme court.” 
 -This would be Bevan in the TM community? With Neil.
Om,  What is Originalism?4 Questions With NPR's Nina Totenberg About Justice 
Antonin Scalia
|  |
|  |     |  |     4 Questions With NPR's Nina Totenberg About Justice ... NPR's 
legal affairs correspondent talks about about Scalia's life, legacy and what's 
next. |  |
|     View on    |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


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