Yep, it was a blowout. I read that we were a "deep-blue" state.  I didn't know 
that.  15,000 people rallied the day before in Safeco; that in itself is pretty 
amazing.  Good that so many are getting involved.   
---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Emily, congrats on my old home state feeling the Bern!
 On 03/27/2016 09:37 AM, emily.mae50@... mailto:emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Mike, you continue to be so far off base in your statements on refugees that 
are being allowed to come here, it's incredible.  You simply never adjust your 
position to reflect the facts; you rigidly adhere to what you *think* and then 
wallow in self-righteousness, despite all evidence to the contrary.  Fascinates 
me, really, as so many, like you adopt this different perception of reality.  
Your mind seems a very frightened place.  

 Facts about the Syrian Refugees 
 Facts about the Syrian Refugees The Paris bombings and other recent terrorist 
attacks have given rise to a political debate within the United States about 
the Obama administration’s plan ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

<mdixon.6569@...> mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 Right, there is *intent* to play the emotions, especially when you show 
bloodied children and lifeless bodies. What's the saying... A picture is worth 
a thousand words. The the next step is that we have to bring them all here into 
our communities or we are heartless bastards. Just as you predictably pointed 
out, the excuse is, *They will enrich our communities with diversity* That's 
just pure BS! There is no way to accurately vet who is coming, what their 
intent is, how or even if, they will adapt to a foreign culture. Meanwhile, 
ISIS is infiltrating the ranks of genuine refugees, intent on doing as much 
harm as they can. Other refugees, not all mind you, who may not be terrorists 
are exactly what liberals proclaim to hate... violent, misogynistic, homophobic 
, anti -Semitic, xenophobic bastards that are convinced that they are superior 
to anyone else. But then, how many women marry a man they are attracted to for 
some reason, knowing he has many faults that she can't stand but is convinced 
that she can *change* him. Sorry Anne, bringing large numbers of foreign people 
here that can't be properly vetted, especially from cultures that have a strong 
tendency to *not* assimilate and think your culture is inferior  is a bad idea. 
It's a far better idea to put pressure on neighboring countries to absorb the 
refugees until things settle down. Western and European countries could help 
foot the bill although the oil rich countries should be able to handle it.


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
mailto:awoelflebater@...[FairfieldLife] <>
 Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 8:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

<mdixon.6569@...> mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 No one has said  anything about *design* to trick anybody. A wealthy person 
can give all that he has to help the poor and then become poor himself. What 
has he accomplished? Feeding a bunch of people for a day and then making 
himself poor as well, At that point, he becomes a victim as well, needing help 
himself. This is not being smart, not how he became wealthy in the first place. 
Better to have a strategy that helps all and doesn't hurt anyone. The first 
rule of the Hippocratic oath is *do no harm*, neither to the patient nor the 
doctor. A dead doctor doesn't heal anyone!

 I'm sure Europe doesn't want to go through those bombed out buildings again.
 No, you used the word "intent" which implies some sort of manipulation of the 
viewer through the use of these photos. These are journalistic photographs of 
what is going on, not some staged actors playing the part of victims 
accompanied by saccharine background music. You can either accept it or not. 
You can either turn away or not. You can either put yourself 
mentally/imaginatively in these people's situation or not and try and 
understand the fear, the uncertainty, the devastation. You can realize that 
other humans seeking refuge from such horrendous war conditions need help or 
you might not. You could, certainly, conceive of the fact that human beings 
coming to this big country we call "America" might add diversity, richness and 
more humanity instead of having a decimating effect on what you perceive of as 
"America" or not. It is your choice, your ability or inability or willingness 
or unwillingness to accept this possibility which determines your status as 
either compassionate or narrow and small - living in fear and constriction. 

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2016 8:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again


<mdixon.6569@...> mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 This is exactly what I'm referring to when I say *the heart*. All emotion. 
Such pictures tug on the *heart strings*. The intent is to evoke compassion , 
for those affected, the desire to help. Nothing wrong with that! Just don't 
create more and bigger problems with the solution! Don't destroy what you have 
in the name of helping others out of their unfortunate circumstances.


 Mike, these images are what they are. They aren't "designed" to do anything - 
they are what is happening, they are not staged or embellished. Bombed out 
cities really exist in Syria, real blood is being spilled, families are being 
decimated. This isn't some fiction made up in Hollywood - these are images 
captured on camera by journalists.

 Your final sentence is self serving  and remarkably selfish. Don't 
inconvenience yourself or threaten your own comfort by putting yourself out for 
others who are in danger of losing their lives. No siree, let's just make sure 
we all have our daily bread and our creature comforts and the rest of those 
poor sods be damned; fend for yourselves you unlucky bastards. 

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 8:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again


<mdixon.6569@...> mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 Maharishi also speaks in the Gita about the balance of heart and mind. One 
should not rule over the other. If we are all compassionate without thinking 
things through, we get ourselves in trouble. If we are all mind and intellect, 
we lose our full potential as humans. There needs to be a balance.Maharishi 
said Arjuna had a rare balance of both heart and mind. He didn't want to fight 
and kill his own family and loved ones but he also knew the consequences of not 
doing his duty. In the end, Arjuna performs his duty and fulfills his dharma.

 Nobody wants entire populations uprooted and moved into foreign, both 
culturally and physically, new locations that cause conflict for everyone 
involved, yet this is the result of past policies in the EU. Europeans are 
rethinking what they have done and realizing being open and unconditionally 
welcoming without thinking things through wasn't the smartest move for either 
migrants or their local populations. There have got to be better ways that have 
not been explored yet.

 Well, when you think of what those "better ways" might be have a look at what 
these fellow human beings are fleeing from/dealing with.

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