Yes, it would appear so.  There's a passage in the New Testament in which he 
broke the bread, during the Last Supper, and said, 'take this and eat for this 
is my body.  Then, he raised the cup of wine and said, 'drink this for this is 
my blood'.  He also said his body and blood are true food and he who eats and 
drinks them will never die.  IOW, he is saying that Being or the unified field 
is true food and he who partakes in it will be become eternal.

 How can his body and blood be in the form of bread and wine?  Because Being or 
the unified field is in everything in creation, including the bread and wine, 
and because it is simultaneously the basis of all creation.  So, Jesus was 
saying He is in everyone and everything.

 In one stroke, Jesus explained a very complex concept to the apostles so that 
they can understand how the universe functions and that He is the source of it 

 However, I don't believe the mainline Christians today and in the past fully 
understand this concept, which can be practically and scientifically understood 
in the way MMY explained the unified field or Being.


  • [FairfieldLife] Did Jesus... [FairfieldLife]

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