Re "Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker":  

 Yes, thanks for those limpid sentences. Can't imagine The Pope or Archbishop 
of Canterbury ever coming up with words like that.

 Jesus said: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am 
I in the midst of them." The problems begin when a crowd gathers! Then the 
worship sinks to the level of the lowest common denominator.

---In, <yifuxero@...> wrote :

 Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker.  Unfortunately, the 
middle of the 19th century witnessed a decline in the liberal theology of 
George Fox; as the Fundamentalist perspective gained ascendance in the UK and 
the U.S. - for example with John Nelson Darby (1800 - 1882) coming to the U.S. 
and spreading the "Rapture" idea.  This brand of Christianity represented a 
retreat into dogma and strict Biblical interpretation with no latitude 
whatsoever for interior Gnosis.
 Let's see what CT (Christianity Today) has to say about George Fox.  Offhand, 
I'd say that they merely tolerate him with great reluctance.  The notion of 
interior "light" or Gnosis is anathema even in the liberal branches of 
Christianity represented by that Magazine.

 George Fox
 George Fox
 First friend

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