Another Graham speaking: 

 "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed... and we will deserve it," South 
Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham said on Tuesday after Texas Senator Ted Cruz 
dropped out of the race, effectively clearing a path for Mr Trump.



---In, <> wrote :

 The Reverend has a limited perspective. As long as he quotes the Bible , he 
speaks the truth, although he may have a limited perspective.
  A pundit may recite the Veda without having any understanding of it's 
significance but he fulfills his dharma. Sooner or later someone comes along 
that sees what is hidden. 


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 9:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Is America in the Verge of Moral Collapse?

 IMO, The reverend is speaking of the lowering of the national consciousness 
which invites confusion, and  conflict in the national priorities..




---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 John, what Graham calls *judgement* is what our tradition refers to as the 
result of adharma. Dharma being righteousness, which creates a kavach that 
gives health and prosperity to a people and a nation. Adharma is the absence of 
dharma which destroys and removes that orderliness(kavach) that created that 
health and prosperity resulting in chaos and calamity . 


 Maharishi spoke numerous times about such a phenomena, as does the Bible. Its 
spoken about in the story of the flood. It's hinted at in the story of Sodom 
and Gomorrah and spoken about in the book of Deuteronomy.
 Washington referred to it in his inaugural speech as I posted last night.

Johnathan Cahn has been writing about the Harbingers forewarning of these 

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 7:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Is America in the Verge of Moral Collapse?

 Yes, Reverend Graham thinks so   In other words, the handwriting is on the 
wall to judge this nation.

 Graham: America Is ‘On The Verge of Total Moral And Spiritual Collapse – 
Unless God Intervenes’
 Rev. Graham: America Is ‘On The Verge of Total Moral An...
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