Feste, I don't know where you live but Fairfield is a quiet little town. 
Try living in a major city where crime is rampant with armed robberies and home 
invasions. People have a right to defend themselves. Police can't do it. They 
just come and take a report.
Take that to another level. The Jews, as well as the rest of Germany, were 
completely disarmed by the Nazis  and the  Nazis had their way with them. The 
last thing a tyrant wants is resistance.The founding fathers of our country 
foresaw this and wanted the people armed and dangerous for any tyrant. They 
didn't want the people to fear the government, they wanted the government to 
fear the people. That is the primary reason for the second amendment.

      From: feste37 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2016 12:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For Mike
    As far as Iowa is concerned, I remember reading a while back that the gun 
laws have been loosened. It used to be that if you wanted a concealed carry 
permit, you had to say why you needed it. Now, you just get issued with it, no 
questions asked, apparently. 

In Fairfield, I doubt that there are many people who carry a concealed weapon. 
There is no need for such a thing here. I would like to ask such people what 
they are frightened of. I read another article based on some kind of research 
that pointed out that if people are in an environment where they know there are 
guns, they will be more tensed up and aggressive. I think that is likely among 
gun carriers too. They are ready to defend themselves, but in my view that is 
more likely to attract aggression from others rather than repel it. 

Perhaps the 2nd Amendment served some useful purpose at some point in US 
history, but it has outlived its usefulness. I would repeal it and put an end 
to the romanticization of guns and gun violence, including the erroneous notion 
that you cannot be or feel safe unless you carry a gun. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Sorry Feste, but that's the way thediscussion was coming off, very shallow and 
uninformed.  At leastsomeone could have posted the what the gun laws are in the 
US tomake for a more "informed" opinion.  Even the Wikipedia entrywould be 
sufficient though folks could look up the legislation foreven more depth.

Such shallowness makes the denizens here look like "Eloi".  I'vebeen to 
Fairfield and know there is a fairly significant part ofthe population that no 
longer follows the TMO.  They've moved on. Few of those post here.

One of the first things I heard on local talk radio was ajournalist explain the 
difference between automatic andsemi-automatic weapons.  Also there was some 
puzzlement frommilitary folks about how the Orlando gunman was able to kill 
50people without reloading clips multiple times giving anopportunity to jump 
him.  This leads to speculation of a secondgunman and a "staged event".  Also 
Russ Baker, an investigativereporter, raises some issues about the shooter:

The mainstream media fictionalizes a lot of the news to fulfillthe agenda of 
their wealthy owners.

 On 06/18/2016 04:30 AM, feste37 wrote:

  This post reminds me of the bad old days of FFL(actually, not too long ago), 
when TMers and people wholive in Fairfield were subjected to daily, 
gratuitousattacks on this forum. Completely unnecessary and alsostupid. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...>wrote :

SecondAmendment aside, I stillmaintain it is healthy to let the populace own 
guns asit tends tothwart any idea of complete takeover by a coup d'etat(which 
somewill maintain has already happened in the US and istaking it'stime for 
complete takeover with replacement of theConstitution bythe Patriot Act).  
However nothing wrong withdisallowing theownership of automatic weapons.  Most 
folks herethough probablydon't know  the difference between an automatic 
andsemi-automaticdue to their sheltered lives as TM'ers and living 

On 06/17/2016 08:28 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:




"Well-Regulated"-Bearing Arms -SecondAmendment,Well-Regulated
We hear it constantly from droningcitizen controlcultists.The argument 
goessomethinglike this. “Youwant to... |  



Here you go.

Sent:Friday, June 17, 2016 8:48 AM
Subject:[FairfieldLife] For Mike


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