(chuckle) I see you didn't read the article. 

 I know what the church says about marriage, John. Nevertheless, the archbishop 
of Philadelphia has jurisdiction only over Catholics in the Philadelphia 

 From the article:

 "Francis didn't create a church wide admission to Communion for divorced and 
civilly remarried Catholics as some progressives had wanted. But in the April 
document, he suggested bishops and priests could do so on a case-by-case basis 
in what could become a significant development in church practice."


 It remains to be seen how many bishops and priests, if any, will take the pope 
up on this option in individual cases. The archbishop of Philadelphia won't 
allow it in his archdiocese, but he's not prohibiting it church-wide; he can't: 
"That's not the way the Catholic Church works."



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 That's not the way the Catholic Church works.  The church teaches the 
indissolubility of marriage.  Once marriage is entered validly and blessed by 
the church, the marriage cannot be broken.  Therefore, divorce and remarriage 
are not recognized.

 The only way a marriage can be dissolved is by proving that there never was a 
valid contract in the first place.   That's where the canon law enters the 
picture.  Either of the party has to prove to the church adjudicator that he or 
she was coerced into the marriage, or that the other party lied or did not 
disclose the truth before the marriage, such as none of the parties was married 
before to another person in a valid catholic marriage.

 But Pope Francis appears to be dancing around this subject in trying to make 
the church appear more accepting of those who are divorced.  The conservatives 
in the church will fight tooth and nails with the Pope on this issue even to 
the point of a schism.  But IMO, the Pope is testing out the waters of public 
opinion to see how the church members feel about the marriage rules in the 
current living conditions in the world.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Or move to another diocese. This is just for the Philadelphia archdiocese, 
John. Did you read the article? 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 Easier said than done.  If this is the case, a lot of Catholics will leave the 

 Philadelphia archbishop: Divorced Catholics must avoid sex 
 Philadelphia archbishop: Divorced Catholics must avo... 
 PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The head of the Roman Catholic Church in Philadelphia is 
closing the door opened by Pope Francis to letting civilly remarried Catholics 

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