non-attachment is an overused concept, but if thought of impersonally, it is 
the only way we can exist both free, and aware of the astral spectrum. Built 
in, not added on. Otherwise, if we indiscriminately use our ability to access 
the astral realms, we can be led astray by the many entities there. I don't say 
this as something to be afraid of, but it is a possibility, until 
non-attachment is steadfast, and the divine reigns. There are three worlds, 
each more refined than the next - material, astral, and divine. The last one 
uses the refined perception that allows the astral in, but the baggage has been 
resolved. Fundamentally, we are material beings, that is our most obvious form, 
yet a familiarity, though not necessarily a preference for the astral realm is 
necessary for a full picture of life, as is the divine.
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Q:  “Held in the Astrality”  What do you mean, ‘held in the astral’?…   
 A: ..‘De-based’.  Debasing because of an injury, or a separation or shock, 
exacerbated by influence, it is held in the astral.  There are bodies, energy 
sheaths in the system. They are called kosha. This is in ayurveda.  There are 
these sheaths and they have jobs.  They carry certain types of energies..  The 
astral body carries raw emotional energy.  This is unfiltered emotional energy. 
In a healthy and robust energy body emotions are processed and moved through, 
they are not held on to.  The motion in E-motion.  They move through.  We are 
meant to have them. They are part of being human.  All of them, but the thing 
is not to live with them, like let them take over.  We are meant to feel joy, 
we are meant to feel sorrow.  We are meant to feel anger, we are meant to feel 
happiness.  These are all things we are meant to feel as emotion, but again it 
is not meant to be where we live, or where they dominate the life.   -FF


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Within the spiritual energetics of postmodern technology:
 “..But it is a tall order. There is so little spiritual support yet in the 
environment and certainly because there is so little of it in the realm of 
where they are looking. If one is looking into bestiality, if you are looking 
into violence, if you are looking into bloodlust, if you are looking into 
bodily-lust, then you are going to find anything there that is redeeming? The 
seven deadly sins are the things they are feeding. Lust, envy, jealousy, rage, 
avarice. Fascinating but it isn't very interesting to me. Fortunately most of 
the time when I am working on people who do have spiritual orientation it is 
amazing what this energetic does in people. Because you can access spiritual 
people and find their heart, you can easily find the heart in someone who who 
is obsessed with all this astrality whose chakras are so compromised. 
Karunamayi used to call it 'dust'. That is generous, I would call it the 
garbage yard. It is like all this crap buried in the energetic system. -FF


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It is interesting. Fairfield, Iowa is full of cultivated long time spiritual 
practitioners, folks who have been aware and consciously disciplined in 
cultivating an inner life, many folks for three, four, five and some for six 
decades.  The satsang here by this experience is fabulously insightful when you 
ask around and sit with it. I have simply taken some time in transcribing it as 
I hear it.   

 This last summer something that I thought was noteworthy in the conversation 
was how observations here collectively correlated with other awakened folks 
outside of Fairfield.  As you read down through these transcriptions they come 
as excerpt from longer conversation with different folks who are speaking to 
the topic from the the perspective of their experience.  Satsang, spiritual 
conversation, it seems is everywhere one goes in Fairfield. It is a type of 
critique of things which seems timely. 

 Science might possibly catch up to describing it too as postmodernism in 
effect. A fair consideration. 


---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 I don't get it - Is this an observation, a proclamation, a warning, what is 
it? I don't understand the attention this one facet of life is getting, as if 
it is something that needs attention. It sounds like the speaker is implying 
something outside their self be fixed to their satisfaction, and, "something 
must be done". That's how I am reading it...with a, "physician, heal thyself", 
recommendation, as a reasonable response. 
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

"Usually for most of us mere mortals it seems to be sort of a graduated 
evolutionary process that allows for these higher vibrational values to keep 
going. When you have in place and you have in play in this other agitated realm 
what you have is phenomenally bad, I am saying bad because of the suffering it 
causes, people who are just degrading themselves, just being degraded and 
degrading themselves actively going after it without any real conscious 
understanding of the implications of it where there is an inner innocence, 
where ignorance is an innocence too. In innocence they are just doing it 
because it is available because it has some stimulating effect in various ways 
and yet they have no idea of the implications of what the repercussions of it 
are and what it does to their energy systems." -from the Fairfield, Iowa 
Satsang of 'ordinary awakening people'.

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 I am not criticizing them personally. When I said they must be mood-making, it 
was because of the suggestion from your quote that the Internet, or 'smart 
phones' or something in that direction, was making it more difficult for 
spirituality to exist (I am paraphrasing). My point was that inner silence, 
once cultivated, doesn't go away, or get lessened. The idea that spirituality 
is fragile and needs coddling is completely wrong, imo. It is activity and 
challenge that stabilizes silence, by whatever means - dipping the fabric, and 
then out in the sun. 

As for a suggestion that time on a smart phone or laptop may be better spent 
meditating, or doing something else, that is a judgment call for each of us. 
There will never be a prescription on how to live our lives, leading to 
spiritual fulfillment. It is up to each of us to innocently continue a regular 
program of effortless meditation, morning and evening, and the rest will take 
care of itself. No spiritual supplements necessary, nor is there anything to be 
fearful of that will impede our progress.
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Actually these people, the maha teachers and the ‘ordinary spiritually 
awakening’ around here do agree with your prescription, Ollie. You would find 
them practical and real in life as you are teaching.  But to assume and 
castigate them as moodmakers seems just more ad hominem, character 
assassination and contending in place of consideration of what they are saying. 
 Yours may be a different ‘bandwidth’ than these illumined. 

 ---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Agreed. Also, if these 'spiritual teachers' are concerned about the effects of 
the astral world, they need to meditate and integrate their silence more. There 
is a natural momentum upwards towards sattva once sufficient sadhana is done. 
If the astral is still grasping or they are overly interested, it is from not 
enough purity in the system. The normal state is to not pay much attention to 
the astral world, in favor of the material and divine. Then we can be useful.


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Yep, maybe describes a societal agitation of a Trump in mass-media.  A 
difference is that these spiritual insights by contrast offer what can be used 
directly as a remediation to what is seen as a spiritual societal agitation 
using meditation, study, and engagement socially to be of help to others.  
Research of modern sciences [of the postmodern era] would seem to indicate some 
validity to what these modern spiritual people are observing in their satsang 
and offering as remediation. 

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 I have to laugh and shake my head at this "commentary" because it sounds so 
much like Trump's "Be afraid, be very afraid" speech at the convention--not so 
much the specifics, but the "sky is falling" tone. I agree totally with Olllie; 
it's the silliest kind of moodmaking. And when it comes from spiritual 
teachers, they sound as if they're worried about competition. 



 ---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 A Postmodern marination of the Etheric bodies in mass [digital technology] 
media of horrific image, violent gaming, pornography..
 A Fairfield, Iowa Coffee haus Satsang commentary:
So what do they do? It is like an addiction, is that they don't know where to 
look so they keep looking back into the same stuff for the distraction of 
whatever it is in the moment, and then you just invited in more of the crap, 
all this astrality. It is horrific and then it is spinning into their minds and 
in how their minds work. They can't think clearly, they have all this mental 
chaos, they don't know how to source themselves, their inner self, nor do they 
really have any understanding of anything because they are literally 
over-loaded with these images, all these horrific energies, it is bad. Really, 
really bad.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Ollie, you are right on both levels. I am journalizing here about what [great] 
spiritual people also are observing in their experience. Pope Francis and the 
Dalai Lama proly say the same thing, my sister-in-law who is deep with the SRF 
[Yogananda] spiritual movement reports similarly, that a pace in modern times 
evidently is exacerbating un-cultivated energies with consequences on a level. 
Evidently this is not the first time in history whence profound technological 
change hath wrought deeper or debasing mental agitations. Maybe not on your 
remote mesa out there but people who travel are seeing and recording a change 
in a collective human condition. 
 That NPR interview reflects on it too,  “Do we have issues now? Yes. Are they 
greater now? Yes, because of the split second that you get the news, it happens 
in Dallas at 6:01 and it’s all over the world at 6:05. So we’re hearing things 
more now. So is it better? Yes. Opportunities? Yes. Up to me now? Yes. Freedom 
to get your education? Yes. Freedom to go where you need to go? Yes. So, when 
we say that [it's better] and, I’ll use this term, the millennials say, "How 
can you say it’s better when we have all these issues today?" Well, Mr. 
Millennial, you hadn’t been there. You weren’t there. So let me enjoy my better.


---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Am I reading this right? This notion that being connected to the Internet 
somehow destroys our inner silence? That sounds like mood-making. There is 
nothing that can destroy the silence within, unless it is unstable and not yet 
established. Once established, it quietly radiates. That's it. There is a net 
forward momentum, unshaken, not stirred ether - lol. "The lamp that does not 
flicker in a windless place."
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 The Spiritual Fairfield, Iowa Coffee haus Satsanga observes, post-modernism: 

 Debasing, debasing in a sense, it sounds like a judgement but it is not. All 
it is is in degrees of separation from your spiritual center.   All it is is 
degrees of connection to your spiritual center.         Quite literally 
debasing, as a base is what helps you navigate life. Everyone has a life that 
has its stuff in it.  Life is personal , we have our personal stuff, our 
collective stuff, lineage stuff, so we are busy, busy doing all this all the 
time working at it but the beauty, the Jai Guru Dev, of what we have is that we 
have something that restores us to our base. 
 These people are being actively and consistently debased.  It isn’t healthy. 
They become mentally ill.  They become emotionally ill. They suffer, their 
families suffer, it is so sad.  The community suffers, it is so sad. 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 We are no longer watering the root.  We are losing the (spiritual) arts to 
distractions of the internet and gradually the subtle disappears from the 
world.  Sit easy in meditation.  Do sadhana.  Go inside, going inside is very 
important when one gives up our body (to the 'commotion') then we can 
understand the shakti-maya. Meditate easily more. As the chakras clear the 
mental field clears. Meditate more -Karunamayi, Trenton, NJ July 2016 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 "Something internal has to take place.." 


 MMY apparently said, “All stress is in the heart”.  Getting to the heart there 
was an insightful bit of journalism on NPR Marketplace recently.  Ostensibly 
the piece was about racism in America. But within the piece there was an 
insightful bit about an inside of the problem.

 "..Rights to do what?  There’s right to do good.  There’s right to be treated 
right.  There is something out there that is trying to create separation in its 
most violent form. But we had some foundation not to retaliate in a violent 
way. [Martin Luther King, Gandhi] This generation does not have that and  sadly 
innocent lives are taken.  How do we stop it?  Changing Presidents and 
governors won’t change it.  The political arena won’t change it. I can’t fix 
you.  Something internal has to take place.. "
 quote from,
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 In ongoing satsanga in Downtown Fairfield, Iowa the spiritual satsanga 
observes: that people overburdened and destabilized.. 
 "So then it spins out, the spiritual ego, the sense of “I am a being of light, 
I am connected to God”, a spirit, a inner life is not there. So then they are 
tormented there, they end up becoming tormented by the concepts of their field. 
They end up tormented by the content of their field."



---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Dispirited. Interesting by comparison, the coming on of the industrial 
revolution propelled by technologies then that displaced 18th and 19th Century 
artisan and village life into concentrated urban slums, concentrations of 
wealth moving people off of land and out of homes this evidently triggered a 
similar mental agitation then in the collective of ‘yogic-body’ or the subtle 
system and light body then. An agitation like we see with this current digital 
e- technology revolution that has eliminated needs for whole categories of 
clerical and industrial manufacturing work and turned a lot of people out in to 
being renters. 

 Likewise this modern technology revolution even in farming has certainly 
de-populated the rural landscape here in Iowa concentrating land ownership in 
to the hands of absentee land-owning and driving a new class of landless 
operators by rent of the land from the owner class. Suicide rates in farmers 
now are some of the highest given all the turbulence of rapid technological 
change in agriculture. 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 I been reading about the Paris communard of the 1870’s and they talk about 
this mental agitation of their period as “the social question”.  There was lots 
of mental commotion going on then also with varying models of description about 
what was going on and the cause. Eventually Marx published his own commentary 
and economic theories by the end of the 19th century.  Lot of mental commotion 
though that is told as economic and political revolt that evidently was also in 
the psycho-spiritual of the spiritual fields of the mental bodies.  - “The 
Social Question” manifest. 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 This is true, Ollie but here it is observed again about the collective in 
trend..  I am out in NJ right now on a meditation retreat weekend where a 
post-modern mental agitation or chaotic disability is again pointed at as a 
collective phenomena in the subtle or spiritual system of nervous systems, what 
Karunamayi here from her travels is labeling, a mental ‘‘commotion’ as in what 
she is calling the sidha or yogic bodies.  She does agree with you in extent 
about the transformational effect that one person ‘subsided in commotions’ can 
have on others and the importance of that for now and in the collective.    

 She, Karunamayi, is an amazingly persistent stalwart sadhana advocate. 
Advocating, inciting folks to make use of all that is the human being 
birthright.   Old TM'ers who were with Maharishi on courses in the 1960’s and 
70’s would enjoy this satsang and fit right in.  In ways she is most like 
Maharishi right now.  About 500 people came here for a weekend silent 
meditation retreat. It is a lot of long silent meditating as a group with her.  
Is interesting also that these are serious meditation practitioners from all 
over the place and different meditator movements.  It is quite a powerful 


---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 The issue though exacerbated by these digital baby sitters aka smart phones, 
is the imbalance within. Nothing wrong with communication devices. I sure don't 
want a return to tethered rotary phones, and have my weekly source of trivia be 
antenna TV, and "That's Incredible!", with Kathy Lee Crosby and Jon 
 The key with 'smart' tools is to ensure they don't use you, instead of the 
other way around. The hubub around being so device-oriented is already calming 
down among younger kids - just another thing to have in your pocket, like a 
pocket knife or yo-yo was to us.
Regarding collective mental agitation the only way to do something about it 
[for others] is to transcend the nature of the Self and abide in all things. 
This is the only way to foster peace on a large scale, each of us continue 
developing consciousness, into wholeness [Unity] and then totality [Brahman].
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Within Satsang Fairfield, Iowa..  There is satsang, spiritual conversation, 
going on all the time it seems everywhere you go in Fairfield. In shops, on the 
streets and sidewalks in passing, at the hardware store, out while pumping gas, 
in the grocery stores, on porches, in cafes.   Active Spirituality it seems is 
in so much of a conversation in Fairfield. Fairfield is a remarkable place this 
way. Satsang: A spiritual
 or sacred
 In listening, here is more along the lines of satsang-like conversation from 
Fairfield about what seems a general or collective mental agitation in our 
modern times.. On this topic from sitting with folks having coffee at one of 
the cafes one day and other comments from after a collective meditation in 

 "Computers and digital media, we all do it. It is a tool that we all use that 
we get sucked into often by
 necessity. It is a tool where people are not out engaged face-to-face with 
others, out with others, they are not out in nature in the simplest ways, so 
then you end up with un-grounded people who are, depending on what they are 
watching, if they are watching violence, horrific violence, and doing violent 
games, which some of these people I work with do, pornography too, oh my god it 
eats up, it eats up, it invites in the most base vile energies into your 

..When you do this it is an astrality, it affects the emotions. So, when the 
emotional subtle body becomes destabilized with this, when it is loaded with 
all these impressions and all these very mixed and some of them very degraded 
types of emotional states then it throws everything off so then the person 
can't find themselves, can't find their source, they can't find their soul 
because they have this overburdened wildly out of control astral body."

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 These Fairfield people and Ammachi for example are looking at what seems an 
ambient mental field ‘agitation’ going on in the collective, and looking at 
evidently what is debasing that is trend in the rise of the post-modern 
digital/media age. Someone relating:

 I worked recently with a dad, he felt very frightened, angry; like a 
mass-media kind of hysterical person.  They are just so overwhelmed with no 
respite from it and they don’t even know how to find it.   
 Those are kind of fatiguing, there is not a lot of meeting. It is not like 
they are evil people, it is just they are afflicted.  And, probably they could 
hold some pretty angry thoughts.    

 You just do what you can do in a session.  So, I bring in light, I pray for 
help, whatever maximally can be absorbed, fine, let it be so.  Whatever can be 
done to help this person make it maximally beneficial to this person so they 
get some relief, get some base so that they have some experience with it other 
than their agitation.  As to its enduring value I get no idea at the time other 
than just the potential of shifting something that will help them find 



---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Yes, your sensibility about ‘pedal to the metal' is practical advice along 
with MMY’s ‘dying the cloth’ for ‘meditate and act’ as analogy for spacey-cadet 
seekers along the way..  And, assuming there is a collective increase in 
spirituality going on, as you say, to integrate spiritual growth as a 
householder then 'pedal to the metal' in practical life.  
 Similarly in Ammachi’s reflection on this other trend phenomena [debased 
mental fields] she also included, find points to help others. .. to help ground 
the agitated human being in addition to spiritual practices.  


---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Yep, there are always trade-offs and challenges with any new technology. Not 
sure why this is a big deal. Sometimes it seems that the increased sensitivity 
growing from spiritual practices ends up making people weaker and more 
victimized, which is standing the whole thing on its head. The best way to 
integrate spiritual growth as a householder, is damn the torpedoes, full steam 
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Mental chaos, of the Post-Modern World..


 Someone in Fairfield commenting  

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