It's not really that complicated.  

 So, I just don't see a problem with praying to God that your kids don't get 
their brain damaged playing football. What could go wrong with a simple prayer? 
I mean, that's the least you could do. 

 What good does it do to shout OMG! - after the kid gets a head injury?

---In, <yifuxero@...> wrote :

 Thx, very good!  But it's a question of proselytizing.  You might see plenty 
of persons doing the sun salutation in Central Park on a clear day, but it's 
not for gaining converts.  Fundamentalists like the football coach believe they 
are commissioned by God to spread the gospel, and that includes making a "show" 
of it.  Yoga practitioners generally feel no Divine imperative to spread a 
belief system.

 At any rate, I'll abide by Matthew 6. - private. Others may feel the need for 
group prayers, holding hands, swaying of the body and singing praises of God.  
(perfectly legitimate behavior, and well accepted in many parts of the 
country).  It all started in Texas with the Dallas Cowboys.


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