Wall Street Journal: "Corporate donations to politically connected charities 
aren't illegal so long as they aren't in exchange for favors. There is no 
evidence of that with the Clinton Foundation. [...] All of the companies 
mentioned in this article said their charitable donations had nothing to do 
with their lobbying agendas with Mrs. Clinton's State Department." 

 For More Information: Hillary Clinton’s Complex Corporate Ties 
 Hillary Clinton’s Complex Corporate Ties 
 The Clinton Foundation and other family charities have collected donations 
from companies Hillary Clinton promoted as secretary of state.
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 New York Times: "No critic has alleged a specific conflict of interest. The 
foundation, in fact, went beyond normal philanthropic bounds for transparency 
six years ago in instituting voluntary disclosure of donors within broad dollar 
ranges on its website." 
 For More Information: Hillary Clinton Should Ban Foreign Donors to the Clinton 
Global Initiative 
 Hillary Clinton Should Ban Foreign Donors to the Clint... 
 Money has been flowing from abroad into the Clinton Foundation, which raises 
too many questions about potential conflicts of interest for a probable 
presidential ca...
 View on www.nytimes.com 
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 Washington Post:

 "The foundation has won accolades from philanthropy experts and has drawn 
bipartisan support, with members of the George W. Bush administration often 
participating in its programs....In posting its donor data, the foundation goes 
beyond legal requirements, and experts say its transparency level exceeds that 
of most philanthropies."

 For More Information: Clintons’ foundation has raised nearly $2 billion — and 
some key questions 
 Clintons’ foundation has raised nearly $2 billion — a... 
 The organization gives contributors, including foreign donors and countries, 
entrée to a possible future president.
 View on www.washingtonpost... 
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 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 "...she failed to disclose that regimes across the world were giving her 
charity hundreds of millions. Because she needed to hide this, she ended up 
sending 110 emails containing classified information — eight of which had “top 
secret” information, according to the FBI."

 New revelations show a nation for sale under Hillary Clinton 
 New revelations show a nation for sale under Hillary Cli... 
 The Democratic Party often warns us that mixing big money and politics will 
corrupt democracy. They must have nominated Hillary Clinton to prove it. The 
Clinton Fou...

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 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary 
 Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money - either personally 
 or through companies or groups - to the Clinton Foundation. It's an 
 extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if 
 elected president.

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