vox_9 asks: Does Dr. Hagelin join in the group program in the Patanjali Dome of 
Pure Knowledge on the MUM campus?

 from further below:
 there was a culture of specialness granted to sub-groups that sent people out. 
 ..established program halls of which there are 11 (including the Domes)​
 The litany of this kind of bifurcation has bled the place. The anemia needs to 
stop and meditators should to come together.  Numbers in proximity quite 
evidently need to be attended to now as part of a collective re-group in this 
period. This needs conscious leadership. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 The need for leadership for instance, within "process" this memo paste here 
below was sent as part of this broader consideration about the leadership a 
couple of weeks ago, as some of the initial vollies of announcements about 
these times were being edited and sent around to meditators.   

 We need Strategic leadership, right now.
 “It was Tepid, at best.  Dear DfP Strategic Planning Sub-Committee members, 
that e-mail on the conditions of these times that was sent out recently with 
Hagelin’s name on it was limp.  He and Nader are being school teachers where we 
need leaders.  There are things we know and can move on. 1]We know the value of 
group meditation by our experience.  2]We know that Modern science now tells us 
the correlation of great inherent values of transformation that come in and 
from group meditation.

 Right now we need leadership, front and center, that directly says 1] this is 
who we are as transcendentalists. 2]this is where we are going. 3]That 
regardless of how people may feel about the movement and their past experience 
with it as an organization, that we need meditator’s help for good reasons, 
right now.   4]That it is time for meditation and we need every meditator’s 
help with this. Now. 

 Not a buried memo or statement quietly saying ‘..that it would be good if..’.  

 No, we need present leadership and meditator volunteers to come forward right 
now in this period. Right now.  

 As a community we need voice that has some bravado in it.  Now.  Right now.  
Firm voice that says directly, 1]‘this is what we are about and who we are as a 
group’, that we are Transcendentalists and 2]as practitioners this is where we 
are going. We need leadership from the top right now that says this, over and 
over again.  No tepid ‘it would be good’ bullshit.  Leadership out front.  

 If the school teachers can’t do it then bring in someone, someone like Mario O 
for instance, someone who has some conscious theatrical camp in them, to say 
it.  Someone needs to be making the rounds to the camps doing this, right now.  
This is what great CEO’s and great Generals do. They make the rounds cheering 
and instructing mission. This is exactly the time for great leadership now to 
come forward and lead from the front, with some huzzah!  The leadership of TM 
has spent 35 separating people from TM . It is certainly time to actively 
acknowledge, remediate, and ask of people to come back, for good reasons.
 JaiGuruDev,  ”

 end paste]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 As a major tenet, numbers of meditators meditating in proximity quite 
evidently need to quickly be attended to now as part of a collective ‘re-group’ 
in this uncertain and transitional period. This needs conscious leadership and 
this will take some clarity of vision and mission.
Within the larger meditating community there is a lot of spirited consideration 
of this that is going on now given the times. The group seems to need a more 
cohesive communal mission statement to work with and stay together with. .

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 As to the loss of cohesion mentioned below, Surveying groups of meditators 
downtown, old TM teachers, several pointed out that what they liked about going 
to the Dome was ,when everyone went, it was social.  Going was being part of 
something larger and you saw old friends and old acquaintances from old 
campaigns of the movement.  The table agreed and thought it might be fun to see 
who is still there. Some were saying it was not worth the aggravation of having 
the course office interrogate their private lives now.


 The Lack of cohesion.. 
They started losing group cohesion when 1] they started in taking people’s Dome 
badges away back in the 80’s and throughout the 1990’s and 2] they facilitated 
special group program rooms other than in the Domes.  At that point people from 
across the meditating community were no longer attenders going into the Dome 
shoulder to shoulder alongside one another regardless of socio-economic class 
of meditator. The community lost its daily check-in as a larger community was 

 Yes, there was specialness granted to sub-groups that sent people out. 
..established program halls
 ​ of which there are 11 (including the Domes)​
. The litany of this kind of bifurcation has bled the place. The anemia needs 
to stop and meditators should to come together.  Numbers in proximity quite 
evidently need to be attended to now as part of a collective re-group in this 
period. This needs conscious leadership. 

 I understand why some people don't live in Fairfield and thus can't get to the 
dome to meditate in a group every day. 

 What I don't understand is why the rajas and other residents of Vedic City 
apparently don't meditate in the Patanjali Dome of Pure Knowledge. Where do 
they do program and do they do it alone, or with their family?
 Most of the residents of the TM Ideal Village down here meditate and do 
program together in the Maharishi Dome of Pure Knowledge.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 “These are the times which try human souls.” 
 There is lots of ‘process’ in fact and organizing going on right now in the 
transition.  Both Dr. Hagelin and Dr. Nader as Western scientists appreciate 
feedback and resonance of input as data to work policy with. The old 
never-entertain-negativity is out and effective people on merit will be much 
safer and more able to voice their hearts and minds with this particular 
leadership change.  By virtue of a change of personality the institutions will 
host a different tone and culture going forward from this.  -JaiGuruDev 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 The criticism is understandable given the context.  In kind It seems 
symptomatic of change and to be expected. Some people are unsettled and upset 
by change. That feeling is going on too inside TM with all that is progressing 
in the works.  The status-quo evidently has changed. The change may become more 
certain once we get beyond this current transition period and beyond the 12th 
of Sept. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfri...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Let's not forget, folks, that JamesAlan has a history of creating his own 
evidence-less narratives out of whole cloth. Pretty funny to see him 
criticizing someone else for the same thing. 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jamesalan735@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It is what happened.  Was done most discretely at pay grades in this way above 
most. Was very bravely done. Lot of committee work and no e-mails to show and 
was strategically done in a way to save face for everyone. They all do still 
have to work with one another in some way at their level. As it evolved there 
were some working committee reports published that were being shared around in 
the process, if you were here. In the deliberations I had them and showed them 
often to people who were stakeholders in this. 



 I know that this post will not in any way result in you posting anything other 
than what you have posted above and previously, so my three final comments on 

 #1: Saying one have evidence does not constitute evidence. [<--I know you 
don't understand this]
 #2: You have never produced evidence in any previous posts re: Bevan Morris 
[See #1]

 #3: The above paragraph does not contain any evidence [<-- See #1]



 Right now there is a ‘president-elect’ waiting to take charge and the current 
President is to go on to something else in a few more weeks.  Effectively the 
24/7 of the  University will no longer have to report to this current 
President.  There likely will be a different tone in the institution by virtue 
of a change in personality in charge.

 Like it or not, the movement is a corporate democracy now as Maharishi himself 
set it into corporations.  It is no longer a theocratic autocracy that can be 
ruled simply by decree.  Is now a lot more process involved with boards and 
trustees.  ..‘involving ‘many heads makes better decisions’ as Maharishi used 
to say. 
 There is more transparency inside it now and more process involved in it. 
There are still a lot of good people working in it.  So it is.  

 They are working hard at it while waiting for the transition to actually 
happen. It is very analogous to the lame-duck wait after our national election 
happens and a new president-elect transitions into office on inauguration day, 
some 8 or 10 weeks after the election. As much as a lot has to be done right 
now for this new academic year it is in a slow transition now.   

 Given the practical necessities they face and the jyotish also one can imagine 
their difficulties and have some empathy for them all in what they are 

 The mundane jyotish:

 Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. 
There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. 
makes it all particularly difficult.  

 August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star 

 Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

 As Jr points out, 
 the good news is that.. Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult 
period passes 

Jai Guru Dev

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 from about two months ago...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jamesalan735@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 --- snip ---  Several have not gone to the group meditation in years.  Most 
were not even aware that Bevan was changed out...

 I've asked you several times to produce evidence that "Bevan was changed out", 
and you've never produced any such evidence. [You don't have any]


 Of course, my point above is a complete waste of time on my part, as I know 
that you cannot help creating narratives to support your points of view and 
will continue to do so.






 or that e-mails have been sent out recalling folks to meditation, sent to some 
lists of meditators about these times. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 The Lack of cohesion.. 
They started losing group cohesion when 1] they started in taking people’s Dome 
badges away back in the 80’s and throughout the 1990’s and 2] they facilitated 
special group program rooms other than in the Domes.  At that point people from 
across the meditating community were no longer attenders going into the Dome 
shoulder to shoulder alongside one another regardless of socio-economic class 
of meditator. The community lost its daily check-in as a larger community was 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Yes, there was specialness granted to sub-groups that sent people out. 
..established program halls
 ​ of which there are 11 (including the Domes)​
. The litany of this kind of bifurcation has bled the place. The anemia needs 
to stop and meditators should to come together.  Numbers in proximity quite 
evidently need to be attended to now as part of a collective re-group in this 
period. This needs conscious leadership. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 I understand why some people don't live in Fairfield and thus can't get to the 
dome to meditate in a group every day. 

 What I don't understand is why the rajas and other residents of Vedic City 
apparently don't meditate in the Patanjali Dome of Pure Knowledge. Where do 
they do program and do they do it alone, or with their family?
 Most of the residents of the TM Ideal Village down here meditate and do 
program together in the Maharishi Dome of Pure Knowledge.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 "Yes" what? 

 You didn't answer my question.

 I understand, of course, that group program is said to be more powerful 
(including by King Tony, below--"this is the greatest strength").

 What I *don't* understand is why people who can't make it to a group program 
should not be told, as King Tony did, to coordinate their individual program so 
as to fly at the same time as in group program.

 Also, I don't think it helps the movement's "transformation" to try to make 
people feel guilty if they can't get to a group program. That sounds to me like 
the Ancien Regime of Bevan Morris et al.



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Yes, and by our experience and by the composite of quite a lot of good science 
we know that numbers of people meditating and proximity does matter in the 
Meissner-like transformational effect of groups meditating.  

 Someone just sent me a chart from another new study on this.  
 This ill-advise ‘non-localized’ comment from leadership just works against 
what is in the works of the movement right now and yet gives people codling 
excuse to sit back and be ill-disciplined when they could be helping by being 
in a group meditation.  

Yes, of necessity people’s circumstance may vary but movement policy has been 
splitting and bifurcating on this, eroding what transformational effect has 
been here.  Hence, the Dome numbers (218 in the men’s Dome this morning) being 
what they are. This is an administrative failure of the program.  People once 
could come to Fairfield, Iowa and be part of something larger.  This thread 
critiquing leadership is very much part of an ongoing larger conversation being 
had right now in the movement.  -JaiGuruYou  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 And you're being insulting. 

 I'm not "willfully confusing the situation," I'm asking you to clarify your 
remarks. I can't understand for the life of me why you'd object to telling 
people who can't make it to a group program that they should schedule their 
individual program to fly at the same time as the group.

 Plus which, calling people who aren't able to join a group "slackers" is sure 
as heck not going to help them feel a part of the movement.

 We don't need to get crazed over this Jyotish prediction. That just adds to 
the general incoherence.



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 No, you are willfully confusing the situation. The guy could stand tall in the 
sandals of Maharishi.  Maharishi was both one of the great visionaries of the 
20th Century and one of its greatest activist revolutionaries into the 21st 

 35 years has been spent separating people from the ™ movement.  It is silly 
that a few in this organization are reaching out asking for the collective help 
and sacrifice with what circumstance we have at hand and the leadership at his 
level is so tepid. An organizational need here right now is for some direct 
leadership with some clarity and spine that lays out the higher mission of who 
we are as transcendentalists and where we are going with this.  Not some 
appeasements and buried comments at the bottom of some talk.    

 Right now we need some coordanated leadership from the top on this that does 
not get in the way of good work being done on behalf of the organization and 

 The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 So if somebody really is unable to attend group program, you're saying, they 
shouldn't even bother to time their individual program to coincide with the 
group program? 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Om no. He should be pulling on his oar along with the rest of the team. That 
kind of thing just sends things off in circles. This is just giving excuse to 
retired meditators out on the periphery who could be contributing to the 
community to just stay slack by themselves.  It is apologetic for just 
meditating at best but a complete lack of clarity with Maharishi’s interest in 
the transformative power of coming together in collective meditation as 
practicing transcendental meditationists.  Quite evidently these are no times 
for people to sit back at home.  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Maybe I'm missing something here. Didn't he say come together *if possible*?
 If you can' t, then lift off at the same time.. if possible.


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