That's MMY's message to become enlightened or self-realized.  In a sense, 
Teilhard Chardin may have been saying the same thing when he wrote about the 
coming of the Omega Man.  When this enlightenment appears, the new heaven and 
new Jerusalem will appear on earth to bring the Rapture, as prophesied in the 
New Testament's Revelations.  Perhaps, this is similar to what MMY was saying 
about making Heaven here on Earth through Enlightenment.

---In, <> wrote :

 Avoid the danger that lies ahead!

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 But where were the Jews when Jesus was here on earth?  At the same, one can 
ask : what have the Christians done to make this world a heaven here on earth?  
When will the ideal humans emerge to deserve the Rapture here on earth?

 Rabbi Cahn: ‘We’re Seeing Things That Even Sodom and Gomorrah Didn’t See’
 Rabbi Cahn: ‘We’re Seeing Things That Even Sodom a...

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