There is a big difference in talk and action Ann. As far as we know, Trumps 
words were just that, words. The women coming out *now*, making accusations 
against Trump wreak of politics and fit the Saul Alinsky tactic of denial and 
reversing the charges. Why did these women not take action at or near the time 
of the so called incident? Why did they wait till the last weeks of a political 
campaign many years later? Just like Harry Reid said, Romney had not paid taxes 
in years, which proved to be a lie. His rebut when confronted later with the 
facts was, "Well, He didn't get elected,  did he?" The lie served it's purpose.
The first woman claimed Trump groped her on a Braniff 707 flight. Braniff 
 didn't use 707s, at least on that rout.She said Trump raised the arm rest and 
began his *attack*. First class doesn't have arm rests that can be raised. She 
said "his arms were like an octopus and hands all over me" which are  words to 
a rock song. A witness from England said her story was a lie and no such event 
occurred. In fact, the witness said she was after Trump, she told him that she 
wanted to marry Trump.Clinton and her campaign are notorious liars and their 
only hope of victory is to make Trump less liked than her because she has 
nothing positive to offer and is very disliked.

Who said anything about rape being OK? But it sure seems OK with you and other 
Clintonistas that Bill Clinton is a rapist/pervert and his dingbat wife, the 
smartest woman in the world who can't remember a fricken thing while under 
oath, would threaten the accusers. If anyone is a putz my dear, it's you.
      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One Question

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Bill's accusers came forward immediately. Trumps, as many as thirty years later 
in the middle of a political campaign with media bending over backwards, trying 
to discredit him. Hillary can't win on merit or accomplishments and has high 
negativity rating. All she can do is find a way to make Trump look more 
negative than her.Locker room talk dude! I don't know, maybe you haven't been 
around many men in a testosterone filled environment.  Can get pretty crude at 
times and usually does.

And that makes it right. Just like the fact that hundreds of thousands of men 
have raped women and that makes it okay. It appears numbers and frequency of 
occurrence validates a thing. You putz.

  From: feste37 <>
 Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 10:04 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: One Question
 I think it's glaringly obvious to anyone. In Trump world, Bill's accusers are, 
of course, to be believed, but those who accuse Trump of similar things are 
"horrible liars." He omits to note of course, that he himself said that he did 
those things to women. So they are merely confirming the truth of his words. 

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

So, how is Trump's besmirching of his female accusers any different or better 
or more justified than Hillary's alleged attacks against Bill Clinton's 
accusers? Does Trump not realize he's doing the exact same thing he accuses his 
opponent of? I haven't seen this point made anywhere in the media yet. What the 

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