On brain tumors:  Survival rates can be improved if the patient takes 
ASTAXANTHIN.  Unfortunately, this can't be offered or recommended 
"Established/mainstream" medical professions in the context of patients 
awaiting surgery; due to possible legal problems.
 However, such patients have a legal right to consume whatever foods they 
desire (in spite of opposition by the Docs).  Just say "I'm taking this or 
calling my lawyer and I'm outta here!".  When you say "lawyer" to such persons, 
they shrink a bit.
 A last resort treatment could be radiation, in which case the dosage is 
critical. but this could cause brain swelling and death.  (happened to my 

 In any event, thanks for posting the info about those in need.  I always pray 
for them - to Jesus and the Archangels.

 Astaxanthin: High-Quality Antioxidant Supplement 
 Astaxanthin: High-Quality Antioxidant Supplement 
http://products.mercola.com/astaxanthin/ Astaxanthin is an antioxidant 
supplement that helps fight the signs of aging and support joint and skeletal 
health, among other astaxanthin benefits.*
 View on products.mercola.com http://products.mercola.com/astaxanthin/ 
 Preview by Yahoo 



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