Thanks, I appreciate your enthusiasm for good health.  This is one of these 
fast onset/growing brain tumors that are becoming more common.  On this waxing 
moon Jim is going to be out of here pretty quick, probably this evening.  I'll 
miss him once he is gone on.  I am going to go down to the FF square now and 
open the door to the no-badge group meditation and then go over to meditate 
with him.   

---In, <> wrote :


 I agree that having friends and good social life can help a person in terms of 
longevity and good mental health e.g. Kurt Douglas who just celebrated his 
100th birthday.  But your friend's problem could be solved by a simple solution 
like eating habits, diet and yoga or tai chi--in addition to meditation and 
sound therapy.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 I don’t know in particular but often in the Fairfield meditating community 
when someone has health troubles and they let people know what is going on 
there can be quite a lot of support that comes out of the community. This is an 
incredible thing to be in front of, that shining attention of this community 
for all the kinds of help that can come out from the meditating community. 
James has a good team of friends with him that way. 

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :



 Has your friend tried TM's sound therapy to eliminate the tumor?

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 James’  brain tumor conflicted with Parkinsons is fast changing and he was 
moved by his primary overseeing caretakers recently over to a hospice-specific 
facility in Ottumwa that evidently is better staffed with nurses, evidently 
nicer, better integrated with attending physicians and more proactively set up 
to be reactive to changing circumstance in hospice care than what local skilled 
nursing facilities (SNF) could provide.  Different hospice services can respond 
at different rates to a fluidity that can happen in the end.


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


 FW: very sweet visit with James (last week).

 James continues to ​be pain free and comfortable with his room at Parkview. As 
you know from your calls and visits, he is in a very conscious state of divine 
grace and gratitude. He sees our calls and visits as a gift to him and yet I 
think it's the reverse. We leave those calls or visits feeling loved, cherished 
and blessed by our time with him.This Sunday, at Parkview there is a special 
potluck holiday lunch for friends and family from 11-1  It would be fun to have 
a 'celebrate James' table filled with friends. If you're in Fairfield and can 
come, even for a little, could you let Marsha know.  And whoever sent him the 
fruit basket, he loves and appreciates it. It was a wonderful surprise but 
there was no card, so he can't thank you!

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Both these recent cases with these elders in the Fairfield meditating 
community, friends and folks immediately came out of the community to help.  
 Real quick in the assessment of circumstance that sent these cases to the 
emergency rooms at hospitals as friends and then some family arrived the 
questions arose as to who has medical power of attorney for them in either case 
and then who might be power of attorney for their welfare. It was not clear in 
either case initially. They both are troubled with things enough that it is 
being worked out for them with them. That does not always or necessarily happen 
in these kinds of circumstance.  We have a pretty good attending community this 
way in the Fairfield meditating community. 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 James' 3 hour biopsy surgery: brain tumor, 4th stage.
 James' nature state of bliss and kindness and exclamations with everyone given 
what in context is terminal is confusing to some folks there at the U. of Ia 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Hi Friends
 Amalia is recovering from a bad fall at her home.  She is at Jefferson County 
Hospital and would appreciate visitors!  Just check in with the nursing station 
 All blessings,
[ She has since been moved to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) in Keosauqua, 
by-passing the SNF's in Fairfield. ]

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Dear friends,

 I think everyone who has talked to or been with James (Bill) the last few days 
would agree that it's been very special. He radiates love and happiness and 
declares repeatedly 'God, God, it's all God and don't you forget it!' Whether 
it's a​friend he's known for decades, the nurse arriving to take blood or the 
man serving him his food, he's expressing his love of God and blessing everyone 
and they respond with appreciation.

 He really loves all the calls he's received, they've really meant alot to him.


 Cody, the therapy dog, visited James today and they became immediate friends. 
(See pic)

 James' 3 hour biopsy surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, at 12:20 pm - 
will keep you updated


 ​  With love​


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Your prayers and healing attention appreciated for our friend, James…
 From Marsha:

 Just back from the hospital. Can you let everyone know that James has a brain 
tumor and they're doing a biopsy surgerytomorrow morning at 11:15 central time 
so all prayers and blessings during that time is appreciated.

 This could actually be good news because it could mean that once the tumor is 
shrunk or removed, it may relieve some of the debilitating symptoms he's been 

 Several people visited today and he was really full of gratitude for 
everyone's love and attention.

 Lots of love



 ---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Heads-up Practicality, The Power of Attorney, the POA whence someone becomes 
legally incapacitated if it (POA) is not particularly specified by someone then 
the legal POA devolves through chain sequence by law first through to a “next 
of kin”.  

 There was a recent case in FF where an elderly old meditator, an old TM 
teacher got crossed up with the system as he became more infirm.  The guy was 
highly intuitive, goes way back with Maharishi to early days in California. 
While surfing as a kid he first met Maharishi on a beach in California.  On 
early meditation courses Maharishi made him an advanced technique 
teacher/checker a long time ago.  
 Funny, a story-teller, kind of an irascible guy, x-military Navy seal Viet Nam 
before there were Navy seals, independent personality.  Very much part of the 
Fairfield meditating community 

 A healer he was very much a spiritual ‘number one’ kind of person who had 
insight he would freely share as part of the Fairfield coffee haus satsang 

 He did not have a power of attorney prepared so as he got crossed up with the 
system his POA devolved to a brother living out of state who he had a little 
relationship with. As the guy got crossed up more and more in the system he was 
sent through the VA hospital system where they did a psych review. 
 The story goes that a psychiatrist up there asks him, “Do you talk with God?” 
The guy gives one of his answers like he would consult with people here in 
Fairfield, “Well Doc, do you go to church?” The Doctor says “Well yes I do.”  
The meditator says, “Do you ask for help, pray to God when you are in church? 
The Doc says, “Well, yes I do”.  Our old meditator says, “Does God hear you 
when you ask for his help?”

 The old meditator is chemically suppress now warehoused in a local nursing 
home here. In the care industry this is called ‘chemically restrained’.   His 
POA is his brother who has little interest in him and as this devolved so 
nobody else really can take an interest for him either. The guy sits there in a 
nursing home in chemical stupor now. Sort of the One Flew Over the Coo-Coo Nest 

 A moral to the story, plan ahead for how it may end and if you are in fact 
spiritual be careful who you tell your ‘number one’ spiritual experiences to as 
you go along.

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