 After such a brutal and divisive election, it is clearly vital that we heal 
the rift and bring our nation back together. It is essential that we do 
everything we can to bolster our national coherence during this turbulent and 
sensitive transition. This will help calm the nation—and bring the best 
possible result for our country while the new Government is being formed and 
its priorities being set.
 Fortunately, Maharishi has given us the technologies we need to defuse deep 
societal tensions and bring powerful support of nature to the country. We 
simply need to apply them to a sufficient degree.

---In, <> wrote :

 I feel for all those who are anxious—and that includes some in my own family.  
Fortunately our specialty—and for many of us, our profession—is (in essence) 
making lemonade out of lemons. Maharishi left the deep silence of the Himalayas 
to eliminate suffering, to reconstruct the entire world for a heavenly life on 
earth, to create Sat Yuga out of Kali Yuga.  So making lemonade would seem, in 
comparison, a relatively simple task.


..And it is not just the President, but the entire apparatus of 
Government—legislative as well as executive—who lead but are in turn led by 
collective consciousness. And the best thing we can do for them, and for 
ourselves, is exactly what we are doing.  Diving into the field of profound 
inner happiness, peace and contentment, and serving as a pipeline to transmit 
those most powerfully transformative qualities of the Absolute into society.  
And, building up the size of our group in any and every way we can.   -Dr. 

---In, <> wrote :

 ..On both sides of the political divide people are feeling anxious and 
concerned about the possible outcomes, and many are worried as to whether or 
not tensions will continue to rise afterwards.  Many people are left feeling 
powerless by all of this — they are feeling that all they can do is lodge their 
vote and then hope for the best. 

As Meditators, Sidhas and Governors we are very fortunate in that we can do so 
much more than this. We have the wonderful gifts of the Transcendental 
Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs that we have received from Maharishi, and also 
the understanding that when we practice them together in a group we can spread 
a powerful, calming effect of peace and coherence in to the atmosphere, and 
enliven Natural Law to support the best outcome. 

 Jai Guru Dev,
Ideal Community Group

---In, <> wrote :

 Letting social agitation dis-organize our spiritual body.. “A belief has 
emerged in America that we are surrounded by hidden dangers that will strike 
when we least expect it and with a terrible fury. We are enraged when others 
don’t see it, for the same reason someone being ignored when he says there is a 
fire will be justly enraged. But everything is not on fire. ..we think of the 
Depression and Pearl Harbor (& 9-11) and we wonder if we are being lulled into 
a false sense of security. We are not uncivil. We are afraid. Our fears have 
serious origins. But reality does not always lead to the apocalypse.”  -George 


---In, <> wrote :


 Related, of a 'Disordered', damaged or frayed spiritual fabric..
 Olliesedwuz wrote in FFL430768:


A: Yeah, it is a curious problem these days, with tech providing us with 
'super-powers', yet we still struggle to rise to the consciousness that will 
make tech less disruptive, and more supportive of solutions. 

Right now, there is kind of a giddyness globally, about each of us being 
empowered for expression, through social media and media in general. Having 
instant access to so much of the world, and being able to influence it, is not 
something we have been rigged for historically, and it is stirring up 
everything, all values, and ways of acting, interacting, and reacting, as we 
find our way through this infinitely connected world, and learn how to adjust 
to it. 

Although the media tsunami provides vastly more input to our senses, and 
questions more and more of what we experienced as a solid world previously, the 
challenge remains the same, to maintain and nurture our spiritual life in the 
face of whatever goes on around us, and do our best to adapt and thrive in this 
new world.

 Q: The mundane stuff that gets trolled here aside, what do you feel about the 
spiritual agitation in the body electorate and how it seems to get manipulated 
one way or another in this post-modern age of the electron?  Just wondering. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Of the damaged and social fabric ‘frayed’, this NPR critique does highlight 
the new order of imperative for directly pursuing a program of collective 
meditation in what will be the period following the national election.    The 
critique  gives good reason to do this that we know.. 

 Now, with the weight of science behind it and by virtue of our long experience 
a consideration of nationalizing our local (Fairfield) collective practice to a 
higher cause of the global community employing regular and long meditation for 
this period before and after the national elections does become compelling. 


 ---In, <> wrote :

 A relevant analysis of an agitation of the post-election period.. 

 Q: “'ve spoken out about a tide of populism (& ‘the new demagogue’) you 
see rising in the West - Western Europe and the United States. What have you 

 A: “..increasing anxiety in both the United States and in Europe about the 
conditions - both economic and, ..demographic, ..growing globalization and, 
particularly, technological change - of many people in these countries. ..”

 “So I do not expect a civil war here. I do expect a damaging period, a period 
where the infrastructure will be damaged. There will be an increased social 
 “Sort of a fraying of social fabric, the fraying off of a common reality. 
We're already seeing this - that, you know, the people who hate Hillary Clinton 
- whatever new fact about her comes up - it's absorbed into this narrative. So 
there's no undoing of the narrative. And similarly, on the side of Clinton 
supporters are anti-Trump supporters..”

 “So that makes any kind of negotiation or compromise-making increasingly 
difficult.  ..But the alternative to that, if some solution needs to be found, 
is conflict. And we're moving in the direction of conflict.”

 “..that the system is rigged and that the outcome of an election should not be 
accepted and lead to actions that are extraconstitutional or certainly illegal.”

 “And that's the fear. The fear is that populism makes this not about an 
electoral ballot but really about the future, fundamentally of oneself within 
one society. And it - and populists win, in particular, not only by having 
solutions that people can hang onto but by demonizing the opposition. And 
that's the danger in the society we're living into today.”

 “And it's not just in the United States. It's beyond that, which means that 
the period after November 8 really is the critical period because that will 
determine whether our electoral system and democratic system based on the 
alternation - the peaceful alternation - of power is acceptable.”

 Q: are Americans speaking the same language when it comes to the news and 
facts and politics these days?
 A: No. I think there's a fraying of common reality. And I think that in itself 
is something that will have to be repaired to - the sense that we all live in 
the same country has been severely damaged.

 “Right. It'll happen in a way that we cannot imagine right now. And the fact 
that everyone's claiming, no, no, it can't happen is in itself a symptom of the 
possibility of it happening.” 



---In, <> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 excerpts from a FF coffee haus satsang.. 

 " ..but this is where we are at right now.  We have an entire environment 
right now that is in such wildly varied levels of understanding and 
comprehension of this stuff.  Because of all kinds of questionable reasons, the 
whole thing of computers that, ‘it is okay that anything goes’.  
 That just because we can do it therefore we should, we should and nothing 
 That has its own repercussions and one of the repercussions, like it or not, 
are hell states.  
 There are hell states.   If you don’t discern, if it only goes to being 
debased then it is not healthy and then you get to learn from that.  It is an 
option.  Some people can’t take notes.  They just aren’t able.  Then they get 
to do hell-states and maybe they’ll learn from hell-states."
 "..I do deal with so many people that are gravely ill, either mentally or 
physically,It does happen and it is just part of our human journey.  The next 
time we take a body it could be very different, but this is where we are at 
right now. " 


---In, <> wrote :

 Of The Electronic of Postmodern, "..I have just worked with a string of these. 
 I can’t prove it but my feeling is that it is that these situations got 
debased.  That there are parts of them that knew this was wrong, it was going 
in a bad way, and in cases people kill themselves to get out of it.  They may 
come back and have to deal with it, but these are like spiritually desperate 
acts getting so far that they take their own life out of instability, out of 
this debased state. I have grave concerns that some will make it who have the 
same propensity.  Absolute computer addicts.  The parents may be sweet and 
loving people but incapable of dealing with the problem.  They do the best they 
can.  The need is to stop the computer, turn that sucker off, the need is to go 
outside, take them to camp, take them out in the mountains.  Of course, because 
they are addicts they become frantic because that is their drug, their drug of 
choice." -FF Coffee Haus Satsang of Awakening People

---In, <> wrote :

 Yep, that shit is insidious. Once you start believing it, the ego can co-opt 
quite a story from anxieties, etc. Just stay in the body, not so much in the 
head, and live moment by moment. Negative perspectives are often a reflection 
of the state of the body and the mind. They can almost appear real if you let 
them. "Know thyself".
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


 The postmodern 'Social Problem'..
 Example even on FFL:
 "I don't know about the rest of you but I am very nervous to watch the first 

 Postmodernism is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or 
objective, efforts to explain reality.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 In the astral sheath of the yogic body what happens when they (these 
agitations) become problematic you may feel them in your body, your shoulders, 
the pit of your stomach, wherever they are. It is because they are beginning to 
make you sick, they are beginning to move in and making you sick.  -FF Coffee 
Haus Satsang of Commonly Awakening People
 Q: ..mundane stuff that gets trolled here aside, what do you feel about the 
spiritual agitation in the body electorate and how it seems to get manipulated 
one way or another in this post-modern age of the electron?  Just wondering. 
 Ollie writes in 430768:[
 Yeah, it is a curious problem these days, with tech providing us with 
'super-powers', yet we still struggle to rise to the consciousness that will 
make tech less disruptive, and more supportive of solutions. 

 Right now, there is kind of a giddyness globally, about each of us being 
empowered for expression, through social media and media in general. Having 
instant access to so much of the world, and being able to influence it, is not 
something we have been rigged for historically, and it is stirring up 
everything, all values, and ways of acting, interacting, and reacting, as we 
find our way through this infinitely connected world, and learn how to adjust 
to it. 

 Although the media tsunami provides vastly more input to our senses, and 
questions more and more of what we experienced as a solid world previously, the 
challenge remains the same, to maintain and nurture our spiritual life in the 
face of whatever goes on around us, and do our best to adapt and thrive in this 
new world.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 "So then what happens in the emotional fields of the subtle system astrality 
is if that (agitation) persists then one, it is debasing; it, two, also starts 
to impact because the emotional body is so close, we could say, it in such an 
intimate relationship to the physical body, then the angry thoughts, the 
charging and a directing, the emotionality of the astrality gets potentized by 
the angry thoughts, the bitterness, the doubts, the self-loathing, whatever it 
is, and it starts activating this emotional material and starts impacting the 
DNA, it starts impacting the entire expression of the physical body and that is 
when you get sick." -Satsang Fairfield


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 “..Being compassionate about all this makes it very interesting.  It makes you 
feel for them. The spiritually disorganized.  One can do a lot of praying for 
them, ask “Help, please! This is big”.  “Here is an angel level situation here, 
could you come and help right now!”  And, angels are great. They are just 
waiting for stuff to do.  Angels are ever ready, ready to rock and roll.  But, 
they have to be asked, this here is a free-will zone.  They won’t, can’t do 
stuff unless asked.  So, you got to ask them.  If you ask them, “..this is 
beyond my understanding I need your help”.  Not just ‘I need your help’, but 
when. “I need your help now.”   When?  “I need your help now. In the name of 
the highest good I need your help now.”  It feels pretty good. It is such an 
 -FF Coffee Haus Satsang of Commonly Awakening People 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It seems not uncommon to run into friends and associates who are suffering
in agitation by the media of current events.  Suffering even to a point of 
 Seen even on FFL..
 I can’t help it, I’m obsessed at this point!
  ..I am also obsessed and as much as I want to stop watching the news and 
listening to the radio and reading articles I can't and it is driving me crazy. 
I start to talk to my husband about some latest news regarding the election and 
he says he doesn't want to talk about it, he wants to stop thinking about it 
all the time but then I come home from work and he has CNN on while he's 
cooking. He can't stop either! I am thinking I will be having serious 
withdrawals once this whole crazy season is over.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 The Fairfield, Iowa spiritual satsanga observes what with the collective 
agitation in politics, the world, and media, the grounding or calming 
recommendation is:  
 “..keep our core steady with spiritual practices, being engaged with good 
works and good people, keeping our focus there.”  

 Around a table, one person offered in conversation, “I wake up and I have 
anxiety, I have nameless fears. Feelings of impending doom; but then I meditate 
and do energy work on myself and those feelings go away.”  

 Another comments that, “..alignment is a native state, and relates to how you 
feel.  It is you.  It is how you feel.  Contribute one person at a time to the 
collective.  It would not take much to make profound integrated changes”.  

 Another observes:  “..the younger generations, X,Y, and Millennials and those 
being borne in now, their burden is less, their design is different, expansive, 
beautiful, expanded that is a felt thing in the group.  A felt thing that is 
the light-body that you feel.  It is a feeling.  Realms of ‘States’ of 
consciousness are different.  The integrated state though is who you are, it is 
the aspect of you, that is peaceful and strong.  That state is ‘The Thousand 
Names’..  This is the actual politics of the Self.  Not looking at others but 
yourself within a group  The group depends upon the parts.  The potential of a 
world view is not just philosophical but it is a felt reality.   

 Another observes: Trump by contrast is as an asura, he activates a paradigm 
that is dying, a process that is going out.  It is a paradigm that is of 
unhealthy people with personality disorder, people in terrible health, people 
in terrible physical and mental health with inherent flaw.  Lash out and they 
are down is all they have.  They are not enduring. The collective is not being 
served by this agitation.  Power is for change, the one who upholds dharma . 
There is an energy for change.”
 -The Fairfield, Iowa Satsang of 'Commonly Awakening Ordinary People'  


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Postmodern mental and emotional commotion..

 Vritti, literally "whirlpool", is a technical term in yoga meant to indicate 
that the contents of mental awareness are disturbances in the medium of 

 ..There are bodies, energy sheaths in the human system. They are called kosha. 
This is in ayurveda.  There are these sheaths and they have jobs.  They carry 
certain types of energies..  The astral body carries raw emotional energy.  
This is unfiltered emotional energy. In a healthy and robust energy body 
emotions are processed and moved through, they are not held on to.  The motion 
in E-motion.  They move through.  We are meant to have them. They are part of 
being human.  All of them, but the thing is not to live with them, like let 
them take over.  We are meant to feel joy, we are meant to feel sorrow.  We are 
meant to feel anger, we are meant to feel happiness.  These are all things we 
are meant to feel as emotion, but again it is not meant to be where we live, or 
where they dominate the life.   -FF

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 "What happens in astrality, [the astral body/system of the human being] the 
astral sheath, and again my understanding (experience) might not be perfect but 
it seems to be part of this is that it seems to be the astrality can have this 
incredible burden of emotionality, this emotional material that is not being 
processed so it is bombarding the physical body and it is bombarding the mind, 
the mental field.  All this emotional pressure colors the mind, so the mind 
instead of being more of an effective tool in life of accomplishing things, it 
is meant to be more subservient. Instead the mind ends up getting colored by 
all these emotions that burden the mind, so you end up with a mind being beset 
by anger, beset by bitterness, bitter thoughts, angry thoughts, an angry mind: 
so you become burdened by them."


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Q: spiritual practice?
 “..So in the subtle system, a beauty of subtle energy work [spiritual 
practices] is that it is so unequivocally divine. In a way it is giving the 
system an opportunity for that moment, and then again for this moment all they 
have to do is go back to it. But in that moment you are resetting it. In that 
moment you hope that they notice it. In that moment you hope that they get some 
relief, some kind of something happens where they have a moment of reflection 
for themselves, their experience and for their condition and what is 
contributing to it.”  --FF


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Q:With some awareness you could use all the Maharishi programs to actually 
remove chaos?
 A: Absolutely, if it is understood that way. 
 Q:  In behavior and ethics, what is good and what is bad action relative to, 
does behavior help base an energy system or where does behavior debase it, 
 A: What is sinful and what is righteous spiritually come down to cultural 
norms that have to do with helping people maintain their energy system.
 -The Fairfield, Iowa Satsang of 'Commonly Awakening Ordinary People' 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 A: "This really comes down to physics because either behavior and practices 
raise the vibrational rate or lowers it.  That should be the criterion, it is 
not that you are evil, it is just if it is becoming lower vibration or higher 
vibration. Is the energy system more durable or not?" -FF 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Interestingly, in modern mental health practice even the AMA has become more 
integrative in its best practices including prescriptive recommendations for a 
balance of meditation along with counseling, allopathic medical, and healthy 
conscious eating and circadian active living in remedy. The total person.   The 
TM movement’s mental health policy was likewise brought up recently to be 
science-based integrative too.  Was remarkable to see this grasped by the new 
TM movement and brought into modern TM movement policy incorporating the range 
of best practices. Culture and policy changes intertwined in time.. 


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