Most people's YouTube videos have the sound too low. YouTube does run a filter for boosting low audio but it only gets run on the paid music videos. I always push my audio level on the master file I submit to YouTube. Dolby made a filter for HDTV broadcast to standardize levels but most of the engineers didn't know what it was and to use it.

I've been playing around with a 4K action cam I bought at Fry's for all of $65. It does real 4K unlike some of the phony ones coming out of China but it's not great 4K. It uses Motion JPEG (which a number of 4K cameras do) but they don't use a high quality JPEG encode setting which would have required a more expensive chip set. Motion JPEG is a series of full frame JPEGs so the 4K files are huge. But it's fun to play with.

For music in those videos I just jam some divertimento.

On 01/29/2017 09:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You should watch Julian Bradley's videos for making videos. He presents his ideas for making clear sound quality for videos. He uses filters to cut out the top and bottom sections of the recording. Thus leaving the best of the sound quality you want. However, I haven't tried this technique since it's a little too techie for me. At this time, I'm trying to improve my piano skills. Perhaps, when I get better, I'll get into making original sounds and post them on YouTube.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Oops, I meant to say, "Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up to around 13 hz." Or 13 pulses per second. Yeah, 13,000 pulses per second would really get people going and probably kill them. Been dealing these days with a lot of video encoding. :-D

Astrology wise you could simply look at what happened 120 years ago in the US. Similar upheaval like Tammany Hall etc. Of course it will express itself a bit differently because the transits are different.

    On 01/28/2017 07:32 PM, jr_esq@... <mailto:jr_esq@...>
    [FairfieldLife] wrote:

We should also remember that the US chart is undergoing the major period of Rahu in the 8th house. As we're seeing, this period will be full of unpredictable events regarding civil rights of minorities and refugees. But there will be transformations of the American society with its role in world development. Specifically, the development of AI will be more accepted to change industries. These changes will lead to understanding the need to expand human civilization beyond earth. This will lead to the colonization of Mars and the harvest of asteroids to build cities on Mars and explorations of the moons beyond Mars.

From what I understand, humans could eventually send AI probes to these moons to monitor the development of intelligent beings (ETs) in them, like the megaliths featured in the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Eventually, millions of these probes can be sent to nearby stars and all of these can be built and monitored by AIs for the human race. This method of exploration is more reliable than developing rockets that can travel near the speed of light, which is nearly impossible according to our present technology.

---In <>, <noozguru@...> <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up to around 13 kh. It's believed that causes people to become aggravated. I shouldn't have to explain brain wave frequencies to folks who have done TM but that is a beta wave. If you think that tracking the frequencies is woo-woo, well NASA has been tracking them too.

I don't know if the human race will jump the shark this time but maybe it isn't worth saving.

    On 01/28/2017 12:23 PM, jr_esq@... <mailto:jr_esq@...>
    [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Times have changed indeed. Now Trump has the power to push the buttons for missiles to fire.

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