Hagelin's jyotish chart shows he has the Moon in the 7th house.  Thus, his 
facial feature is rounded like the Moon.  Nonetheless, the Moon shines too, 
although more noticeable at night.  The Moon is also the 5th lord which aspects 
his first house, representing the body.  As such, he has acquired a very keen 
mind, which is reflected in his educational accomplishments--with a PHD no 
less.  By any stretch of the imagination, he is a very bright person--a shiny 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 I couldn't find any shiny people, except for John Hagelin.  He's pretty shiny. 
 This caught my eye from 2008. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 For some years a daily feature of the Invincible America Assembly meditation 
(IAA) in the Domes is to break mid-morning for a few minutes and have people 
share what came to be dubbed their ‘number one’ experience from their 
meditation practice or as result of the practice. These are self described 
experiences.  People can come up to the microphone to relate their experience 
if they wish to and some acknowledgement and commentary is given by Bevan or 
other ™-Sidhis admins. 

 The course of personal experiences that people choose to share can range. 
Through time there has developed a jargon relevant to the participants that is 
come out of the process.  

 Participants on the assembly can like the sharing and comments a lot and be 
enthusiastic about it as a feature of the assembly. It serves as a type of 
discernment or clarifying about people’s experiences in these long meditations 
of the IAA. It works as a type of checking process for folks on the program.   

 As context, take a look around the IAA web page.  The “Assembly” has been an 
ongoing meditation program for over a decade now. Some people look pretty shiny 
for being attenders in the Domes and their experiences evidently can reflect 
that.  http://www.invincibleamerica.org/ http://www.invincibleamerica.org/


 yifuxero writes:


 A numbering system is problematic given the large numbers of Traditions, each 
with its own set of priorities. An easy solution to the philosophical problem 
of "Awakening" vs relative experiences:  simply erase the vs and insert "and".  
Problem solved.

 In early Jewish mysticism (100 BCE - 1000 CE), the highest priority among many 
pioneers was a "Throne of God" experience: a vision of the Throne of God 
(YHVH), or an astral projection ascent to that "realm" of existence.  This goal 
seems to leave out the "Awakening" part, involving ultimate Gnosis of the Ein 
Sof (Jewish term for the Ground of Being), but this as a concept seems to have 
been tacked on to the later body of  Jewish mystics.  Thus (my conclusion), 
most of the mystics in this tradition failed to integrate Awakening with "an 
experience" (i.e. ascent to the Throne of YHVH).

 The Christian Throne of God experience simply adds Jesus to one's vision of 
YHVH (although there are no accounts of seeing the "Face" of YHVH).

 In the Sant Mat Tradition, dualistic out of body travel is the method of 
ascent uttimately to a form of Samadhi by hooking a ride onto the celestial 
Sound Current(s).  Accounts of such experiences appear to match MMY's "GC".
 To conclude, prioritizing experiences can't - at the present stage of human 
evolution - come to a definitive set of agreements, but some progress can be 
made by selecting individual Traditions having their own goals. Then you 
decide. Throne of God pics.......

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Some awakened olderTM’ers reflecting..


 ‘Number One experiences’, has become an unfortunate emphasis on a person 
having experiences rather than waking up. Combine that with no verification 
system and it has the making of getting people distracted while sitting in a 
place dedicated to supreme knowledge. They recognize the issue but have not 
found a solution yet.




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