From the FF Coffee Haus satsanga..

 the ‘angel-healing-type talk’?
(as Feste37 coins it here).

 ..The CD's it is a huge part of our spiritual practice, but in consciousness 
(meditation).. In consciousness, ..I know a number of people who sit and use 
the John Douglas guided meditations as meditators to good benefit,  regardless 
the ‘angel-healing-type talk’, 

 The Promoting 
 In a crystal palace, he is a man, they want him to be wealthy, in a palace 
unable to leave.
 ..In the end ™’s cultivation of exclusivity and elitism alienated a whole 
group of people. In the end with this marketing J Douglas he’ll be remembered 
for what, elitism?

 A gateway to fame and fortune$ on the spiritual circuit and in the spiritual 
marketplace is to get interviewed by Rick Archer and published on BATGAP.  John 
Douglas handlers should probably work on Rick to get an interview if they 
really want to go big with this. 

---In, <> wrote :

 To be fair people do have their experience with him and he has helped people. 
That is fact. People have their own experience with it.  He did something for 
me that I experienced. That was back when he first came to Fairfield and it 
cost a modest $35 or so to go to his public meetings.   I like John Douglas’ 
guided meditation CD, ‘Power Meditation’ that he does that is something like 
MMY’s Ved and Physiology guided meditation through the subtle energy system.  
When you combine meditative transcendence to the guided meditation then these 
can be quite visceral and helpful of the yogic or spiritual systems.
 Of course people in their own lives have hope about both their mundane and 
spiritual things, just calling them all idiots is way too mean-spirited to the 
circumstance of people.   A more interesting thing now here is people’s 
reaction to the marketing of ‘elite’.   One of his acolytes was saying that 
John Douglas has taken a million dollars out of the Fairfield meditating 
economy alone.  That is a lot in a local economy and people evidently are 
somewhat more sensitized and more overtly critical to this kind of extraction 
now. It is interesting he has hooked up with some old ‘elite’ ™’ers trying to 
pull off some ascension now in the spiritual marketplace of teachers known to 
be famous. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Interesting how they take you to his website to buy the tickets, rather than 
how the Sondheim usually  does it.  Can’t believe there are that many idiots in 
FF.  Then again, never underestimate… 

 My guess?  There will be any number of people buying “at the door,” and at 
that point they’ll be giving them away, anything to fill up the place.


On Apr 10, 2017, at 10:32 AM, feste37 <> wrote:

The fee (described as a "donation") is $295, which means that if John Douglas 
manages to fill the Sondheim Theater, he will make nearly $150,000. That's a 
tidy sum for a few hours of work and angel-healing-type talk. 

<dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Cultivating exclusivity, “Hartnett will do to John Douglas what the rich did 
to the TM movement.” 


 Reaction around FF Coffee Houses?  
 Remarkable how many saying they won’t go to the John Douglas meeting because 
of the money and the way it is being done. A seasoned ‘been there done that’ 
reaction to the promotion. 


<dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Evidently a multi-level churching, a real deal and profound healer and   

 a 'Hartnett' business plan for John Douglas corrupted by the slippery slope of 
 Adept marketing with ranks of specialness, whipping specialness, like the old 
TM movement. Sold out?  
 Not even close to the ‘sermon on the mount’, it stirs anger, bitterness and 
Very smooth fostering the ‘never good enough’ focus on ‘I got to have this’ to 
get to the next level and step.  Special, special, special because they paid 
money.  If you can fork over the dough.  
Shaped by the company we keep when is enough money enough, for a healer?

<dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Fwd: EMERGENCY FREE TELESEMINAR with John Douglas Saturday April 8 at 8pm 
central time.

Hi everyone.

No doubt, due to the emergency nature of the global, political situation John 
Douglas will be giving a free teleseminar for anyone and everyone. Saturday. 
April 8 at 8pm our time.
Please let your friends know. Anyone can call in tomorrow just before 8pm 
central time to hook up to his call. Here is the number.


Code: 843708

Thank you and "see you there"

Love, -

 Please remove my name when forwarding & always use Bcc

<dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Posters are going up around Fairfield.. John Douglas is coming to Fairfield, 
Iowa in April. Some e-mails going around too hoping he will take things over.



 It is interesting, us old TM’ers certainly know from experience how to make 
 Asking of folks around in the FF Coffee shops here who have been down on 
Heavenly Mountain, evidently some operatives and old money veteran of the old 
TM movement are facilitating John Douglas down in Boone on Heavenly Mountain 
having set up foundations and bought him into the homeowners association there 
on the mountain. 

 This happening along with other old TM’ers who have facilitated Mother Meera 
there likewise, and then other TM’ers with S. Ravi Shankar’s AOL up on top of 
the mountain.  The Mother Divine facility lower down on the mountain apparently 
is abandoned sitting with deferred maintenance. The big crystal that was down 
there got bought and moved up to the John Douglas house by the old meditators 
now facilitating John Douglas setting up his ‘church’ there.  Quite the 
homeowners association. 


<dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 2017. A new faith based church.





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