Knowing the infinity of the universe, humans could never visit physically all 
of the galaxies around us.  Plus we're limited by the speed of light.  
Ultimately, humans will have to rely on their visions (including remote 
sensing/viewing) to understand and verify the world.  I don't believe any 
advanced AI can do this based on our present technology. 

 But I still value the ideas presented by San Juan de la Cruz regarding "the 
dark night of the soul".  In my opinion, he was rephrasing the concepts of 
transcendental consciousness, cosmic consciousness and God consciousness from 
the vedic texts.

 Regarding Ezekiel and other Hebrew visionaries including the Gospels, they 
were conveying something in words that signify spiritual ideas.  For example, 
Ezekiel appeared to be describing a UFO in the Old Testament, but the reader 
needs to understand the symbolisms steeped in the Hebrew tradition and culture.

---In, <yifuxero@...> wrote :

 IMO, about 10% of the Batgap people are very impressive, perhaps led by Harri 
Aalto. (looking forward to his second book).  I don't see the point in making a 
claim for Awakening but then no following through with something to "show" for 
it.  After all, there are an infinite number of things to consider before 
Awakening, but only ONE thing to consider at the transition (That everything's 
Pure Consciousness - "The World is Brahman, Brahman is the World"), but where 
is the revelation as to the infinite number of things to accomplish after the 
transition. Is it sufficient for people to go around saying, "I'm Awakened, I'm 
Awakened, I'm Awakened.....".............

 In addition to the visions of Shiva, I'd like to hear somebody who has had a 
"Throne of God" experience, as mentioned by the Kaballists. (as mentioned by 
Ezekiel in the Hebrew Scriptures).
 How about somebody like Kirpal Singh and others in the Sant Mat Tradtiion who 
are capable of traveling out of their bodies at will?
 At the very miniimum level of accomplishment, some people believe that there 
are structures made by Intelligent Agents on the Moon and Mars.  I challenge 
ANY of the Batgappers to astral travel to the Moon and Mars, then give a full 
report on whether their are, or are not such structures.
 Apart from such a simple task from supposedly Enlightened people, NO, I do not 
want to continually hear about how you're Awakened and I'm not buying your 

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