Yes, ‘twas remarkable spiritually.   Others there meditating in the Dome 
mention a commonality experiencing a type of pressure that was in the 
collective spiritual atmospheric up to the eclipse totality and then what was a 
palpable profound release and lightness that came as the eclipse totality 
passed. Very clear.  


srijau writes: thanks for sharing that , I has some weird thoughts / unstressin 
during the eclipse. I find I have been have a lot of memories of the past 
around the eclipse whereas usually I never think about the past much.
I don't see what the logic was in sending people home! Dome is outside??

---In, <> wrote :

 Chatting yesterday with one of the magnificient 20 who held out meditating in 
the Dome during the eclipse while leadership ran people away the guy told that 
he meditated there in the Dome for the four hours of the eclipse and it 
seriously was ‘the most profound meditation he has ever had’. 


---In, <> wrote :

 That “We hold these truths to be self-evident”. ‘Should’ is a great word and 
should fairly have its place in civic life and personal hygiene. Clearly there 
are things which enhance spiritual life as there are things which do not and in 
that sense there are Golden Rule things that people should do and things they 
should not in context. 
 There were a lot of indicators that people should have stayed in the Domes 
meditating. It was an astonishing abdication of leadership that sent people out 
of there. In that sense that particular leadership should be reprimanded as 
there should be new leadership at that level or someone should retire (or be 
retired) from any possibility anymore of the making of or administration of 
policy like that ever again here.     

 Groups define themselves by ‘shoulds’.   That he should have gotten away with 
 The guy has a little cult of personality going there with the 10:30am Dome 
 The abandonment of the Dome by leadership was particularly stunning.


 emily.mae50 writes:

You're right.  I retract that statement.  Personally, I hate the word "should" 
also.  I was refuting instructions to the opposite.   


 Thanks for sharing this!  What a great story!  I wouldn't have believed that 
this would have such an impact.  It was so glorious and brought out our shared 
humanity and the best of it.  And, I didn't even get the experience of 

---In, <> wrote :


 Yes, and standing outside the doors in the shade of the Dome’s door portico 
during the air inversion of the dimmed sun was unique. Anyone was free to walk 
out and look at the sun. However the meditation inside the Dome right from the 
start of the eclipse was particularly unique. 


 j_alexander_stanley writes:

I don't think people ==should== be outside. I think they should do what feels 
right for them. For me, that meant driving down to the path of totality to 
watch. I kept an eye on the weather for 10 days, and on Sunday, I decided that 
I really wasn't up to the 13 hour drive out to Casper WY, where the skies would 
have been clear. I knew I'd be settling for partly cloudy weather from Nebraska 
to Illinois, so I ended up taking the shortest drive, down to Columbia MO. I 
parked in the Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area, where there was a small crowd of 
other like-minded folks. 

It took an hour and change from the start until totality, and when that last 
little bit of sun disappeared, it was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. The 
shared experience in the crowd was that words can't describe the magnificence 
of it. It was one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. Pure, 
awe-inspiring glory of Nature. Amazing. 
Oh, and the animals didn't "go crazy"; they quieted down.

And, during totality, we could see Venus. It was so cool.

---In, <> wrote :

 Of course everyone should be outside!  Unbelievable.   

 Live during the eclipse.. Txt msg.from the Dome:


 Bevan told the IAssembly on Saturday to Not be in the Dome and go home during 
the eclipse!  That is treason
 against all that we are as a group of transcendentalists. Sedition. Stunningly 
 At about 9:20am the flower of the Dome meditating program got up and left, a 
lot of really powerful meditators exit-ed to go out anywhere on their own 
during the eclipse. It looked like a factory shift change with so many people 
leaving out the doors of the Dome. 

 A magnificent
 20 are hold out in the men's Dome right now with the total eclipse hard upon 
us. Send reinforcement. 


 ---In, <> wrote :

 There was also a palpable effect when one was outside watching.  Can't imagine 
why one would miss it if they had the opportunity (you guys had about 92% 
coverage I think). Of course, glasses were mandatory to look directly.  I would 
have elected to meditate outside, personally.    
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 'Palpable' seems to be the qualifier around the experience. 

 A really nice palpable quantum change in the field here in the Dome as the 
total of the eclipse is passed.  

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 msg. txt 

 A palpable Spiritual juice of the eclipse is extremely high in the men's Dome 
now. But phone battery is failing. I may not be able to keep broadcast from the 
Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge for much longer. Will sustain position here until 
the end. 


 ---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 You don't live and meditate here? Communal context is predecate to 
understanding in this. 
 emily.mae50 writes:

Of course everyone should be outside!  Unbelievable.   


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It is said,

Astrologically the moment of eclipse is powerful and saturates that degree of 
the zodiac with energy. The effects of the eclipse will reveal themselves 
during the following years as the energy dissipates. 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Behold the morning sun
 Begins its glorious way,
 It beams through all the nations run,
 And light and life convey.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 FW:  With all love I will say that no one who knows this tradition would want 
to view any eclipse let alone a total solar eclipse that is a dire omen for 
this country.  Think of the source of all life and atma being eaten away and 
totally disappearing.  It is a spectacular view but negative energy on all 
subtle levels.  Watch the animals.  They go crazy during such an eclipse.


 We are told that we should bathe and fast starting two hours before the 
beginning of the eclipse (not just totality) and then be inside with curtains 
drawn meditating and chanting in this case solar mantras like Gayatri and 
Aditya Hrdayam or studying shastra etc.  Two hours after the eclipse, take 
another bath and you can eat.  All food turns to ama during an eclipse.  Any 
activity to manifest something should be avoided three days before and three 
days after a total eclipse like this.  And for the next six months on the day 
Moon is in Magha (the nakshatra polluted by this eclipse) no auspicious 
activity should be undertaken.  


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Here in Fairfield the Domes are available to be indoors and inward during the 
eclipse for those meditators who have Dome badges.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 The eclipse..
 On the east coast this is: 12:35 PM till 3:40PM
 Central Time it is from 11:35 AM to 2:40 PM
 Mountain Time it is 10:35 AM to 1:40 PM
 Pacific Time is between: 9:35AM and 12:40PM.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

  e-mail, FW:

 Hi Friends
 After some soul searching, I have decided that the trip to view the eclipse is 
not the best idea for me.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Ammachi satsang: While many will be out trying to get a glimpse of the 
eclipse, we are going to follow the Vedic Rishi's recommendation to use this 
special time that will amplify the power of our spiritual practices.  Our 
Sankalpa will be for peace in the world, and Amma has explained that when we 
pray and meditate in a group -- the effect increases exponentially.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Divert! Divert!  

 Come to Fairfield, Iowa and meditate during the eclipse.. 

 Come, humble sinner, in whose breast
 A thousand thoughts revolve,
 Come, with your guilt and fear oppressed,
 And make this last resolve.

 I’ll go to Fairfield, though my sin
 Hath like a mountain rose;
 I know it’s ways, I’ll enter in,
 Whatever may oppose.


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Vedic astrologers warn not to view the maleficent dark-light of the eclipse on 
Monday the 21st of August 2017. 
Be advised to get and stay indoors 10 minutes before, during and after the 
eclipse times in your location.
 Engaging in deep meditation or prayer during the time of the eclipse is highly 
recommended. Additionally, it is suggested that we not eat or drink during this 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 FW:  Be informed that potential negative influences activated by watching an 
eclipse can last more than 2.5 years.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Minority Transcendentalists traveling to Missouri? Missouri a Red state? 
 There is a travel advisory out now for minorities traveling to Missouri.
 Knowing the old history of persecution of minorities in Missouri, as a 
transcendentalist I should be concerned about travel there. 
 Needing roadside assistance?  I know meditators switching to Nebraska given 
the advisory for travel in Missouri.


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 AMMA’s guidance: main point again and again emphasized is that it is 
traditionally known in India by spiritual people that eclipses are excellent 
time for meditation. Not good time for puja and other ceremonies. 

---In, <archonangel@...> wrote :

 A Shadow is a metaphor for fear. Fear is the loss of Unity, thinking we are 
separate from what happens in the world. Light is sucked out, blocked. This is 
for the ignorant. If "infinity is at every point," there is pure being 
everywhere, no shadows at all. You are trading in illusions. The Indian 
subcontinent has its own cultural superstitions. There are enough superstitions 
here, why import more of them?     srijau responding: this is "know-it-all" 
know nothing empty rhetoric. you live and operate in the world of duality. a 
watch is a superstition  according to a person who can't understand it by your 
 On Friday, August 18, 2017, 11:29:10 PM GMT, dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife] 
<> wrote:


 Hear AMMA’s guidance on what to do before and during the upcoming solar 
eclipse on August 21, 2017




Dixon writes:

 I'm Going Home


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