$260,000 per year is what it genuinely costs to pay for all the heating, 
cooling, and maintenance, etc. 


 Knowing that some people can afford to donate more than others, I am 
suggesting—for those who have not already donated or who feel they could donate 
more—$50 to $100 per month each, or as much as you possibly can because of the 
real and urgent need. The domes are the very basis of our life here in 


 Simply click here https://giving.mum.edu/giving-areas/dome-support/ to arrange 
your donation.
 Thank you all so much for your understanding, generosity and patience in this 
endeavor. We will all feel very proud that we have risen to the occasion once 
again to do our part to support peace and progress in the world today.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 Dr. John Hagelin 

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